映画『シャイニング』感想 久々の地上波放送!(ネタバレ)


 1980年作品。私は、高校生の頃に“授業”で、暇があり、教師が授業時間の間だけ、流してくれた。 その時に、本当に怖くて怖くて。

 だが、途中の風呂場のシーンで、美女が全裸だが、モザイクが大事な部分にかかっていた処で、萎えた。 そんな思い出から、数十年、再び見る事が出来た“シャイニング”。 この何十年の間にも、既に、何回も他のホラー映画でリスペクトされたシーンを何度も見ている。

 同スティーブン作品でも、似た様なシーンはいくつもある。 さて、当時と今までの感想はこれ位にして、本編を録画してたのを、見る。

最初は、明るいシーンだ。以外に。 山の中を車で走って居るだけだが、おどろおどろしい音楽が流れている。タイトルコールの前に、監督と主演のロゴが、出て、ちょっとカッコ良い様な始まりだが、違和感は隠せない。 




ジャックは、「そうはなりませんよ」と、伝えた。 妻のウェンディ、息子のダニーを引き連れ、ホテルに着く。 息子のダニーは、指を曲げ、口の中に住んでる違う人格がいると言う変わった子供だ。



それを、黒人スタッフのハロランには、告げなかった。 ホテルに実際、訪れてからも、その双子の女の子の姿を見かける。

 冬の間のホテルのスタッフは、冬籠で家に帰り、3人だけの家族の生活が始まった。 ダニーは三輪車に乗り、ホテルを駆け回り、父ジャックは、広い中でタイピングを打つ。

妻ウェンディは、ダニーと広いホテルの庭の迷路に行ったりと、自由気ままな生活の様に思えた。 ダニーが双子の姿を見たり、夢を見たりする事を除けば。



そんな事の妄想の疑いもせずに、バーカウンターにいる一方、ダニーは、気になっていた部屋が開いているのを見る。 ジャックは遂に、悪夢を見てうなされ、ウェンディは心配をして見に行く。ジャックは、「妻と息子を殺す夢を見た」と言う。 ジャックは、怖がり、ウェンディはなだめる。


 ウェンディは、これは、ジャックの仕業だと、逃げる。ジャックは、自分が犯人では無い!と怒りながら、また、BARに行く。 いる筈も無いBARのバーテンダーに又、注文をする。其処へ、先ほど疑っていたウェンディが、ダニーの首の痣は、ダニーが、気にしていた部屋に‘老婆が居て首を締められた’と言う。 



スティーブン・キング原作 映画『シャイニング』感想











The Shining Review

1980 work.  I was in class when I was a high school student, and I had time to spare, and the teacher gave me away only during class time.  At that time, I was really scared and scared. However, in the scene of the bathroom on the way, the beautiful woman was naked, but when the mosaic was on the important part, she withered. “Shinning” that I was able to see again for decades from such memories.  In the last decades, I have seen many times the scenes that have been respected in other horror movies. ▽ Even in the same Steven work, there are many similar scenes. Now, let’s see how the impressions at that time and up to this point were, and I was recording the main part. By midnight on June 29th, 2020, Nippon Television “Movie Heaven” program will be terrestrial broadcast.

The first is a bright scene. other than. I am only driving in the mountains, but the music is amazing. Before the title call, the logo of the director and the star appeared, and it seems a little cool, but I can not hide the discomfort. The main character Jack, who is aspiring to be a novelist, takes on the job of managing a mountain hotel that closes his business during the winter. Although I decide on a job, manager Arman later said that his predecessor Charles was a place where he said he killed his family due to claustrophobia and himself committed suicide. Jack said, “It won’t happen.” He arrived at the hotel with his wife Wendy and son Danny. My son Danny is a strange child who bends his fingers and says he has a different personality who lives in his mouth. By chance, the black staff member I met at the explanation before closing the hotel talked to Danny telepathically without speaking, and said that the power was “shining”. /> Certainly, before I came to this hotel, I had a dream that a red wave occurred in front of the elevator and a twin girl came out. I didn’t tell the black staff, Haroran, about it. I actually see the twin girls even after visiting the hotel.During the winter, the hotel staff went home in a winter basket and the family life of only three people began.  Danny rode a tricycle and ran around the hotel, and his father Jack typed in a large area. His wife, Wendy, seemed free-living, going to Danny and the maze of the large hotel garden. Except for seeing Danny’s twins and dreaming.However, gradually, at the bar counter, you can see the bartender and see the delusion that you can drink alcohol. Despite not being suspicious of such a delusion, while at the bar counter, Danny sees the room he was worried about opening. Jack finally gets a nightmare, and Wendy worries and goes. “I had a dream of killing my wife and son,” Jack says. Jack scared, Wendy soothed. Danny was walking to Hula Hula and to him. Wendy caress about Jack, but makes Danny mature, and then returns to Jack, and when he comes to Danny, a bruise is seen on Danny’s neck. Wendy escapes, saying this is Jack’s work. Jack is not the culprit! I went BAR again while getting angry. I will place an order again for the bartenders of the bar, who should not be there. Wendy, who had been skeptical, said that Danny’s neck bruise had Danny’s old woman in her room and her neck was tightened. Jac went to the room and there was a beautiful woman in the bathroom. Get out of the bath and hug Jack. Just after a hot hug, Jack notices something strange! so. If you look closely, the young woman in the mirror was the back of an old woman. Well, when I saw a woman, she was an old woman and chased her! ! !

 ………I really remembered this scene. The memory after this was not certain. At that time, when I was a high school student, I saw only up to that point in the class, so I don’t remember when I saw the shining. Maybe you rented it?

Even after that, there are many famous scenes such as a wave of blood flowing in the elevator hall, a reminiscence scene with twins carved, like a bright sea of ​​blood. ~ But the scene of the maze in the garden of the last hotel… I have a different memory. Why is your memory different? I decided to buy a Shining DVD (or Blu-ray) for consideration. This is an original work by Dr. Stephen King, and the image is good (it is clear even if you look at it now even if it is old), and the psychology is spectacular. However, because it seems to be too different from the original (The hotel itself is a phenomenon called shining and Jack ends without dying), Professor Stephen King is famous for calling this work furious. I heard that the original pattern was created in the TV series. I like shining the shining of the Stanley Kubrick version, which has become almost the original of the movie version. Even now, when I look at it, I still can’t forget the impact. It is amazing that the actor is playing as a human weapon. (I heard that this retake was repeated many times to release the actor’s weapons. It is interesting to check because there are many back settings and Yota stories.

