

きみはペット(GyaO! 5/25までの無料配信) 
元々の原作ファンでしたが、韓国で映画化なんて、丸々韓国ティストで、原作と違う!一部、グンちゃんのPVみたいだけど、若くて綺麗で上手い女優さんなんて、1人も出てこないかも。 俳優さんは、徴兵制度だからか、身体はしっかりしてるけど。 兎角、暇潰しの恋愛映画かなぁ。

KOREA MOVIE『Tramps Like Us』(Japanese『KIMI HA PET』Impressions

It couldn’t be seen easily during a showing and work arranged for it and only the ED roll was being seen several times.
My younger sister has the original work cartoon which is originally, and I see that, and am for a fan, too. But filming is Korean taste and is different from an original work full in Korea! It looks like PV of the part and a cluster, but 1 person is young, and may not appear a good actress beautifully, either. Because whether Mr. actor is draft system, a body is steady. A love movie of waste of time?

