『キングコング〜髑髏島の巨神〜』(地上波放送)感想 2020.07.02


キングコングは昔ながらの作品で、見た事があった。 何度となくリメイクも作られてるが、当時は(1作目ではなくカラー版になって物心ついた頃くらいの作品)観に行かなかった。


コングや大きな生き物がいて倒して解決! …なんて、簡単な話しかと思った。 ちょっと違うのは彼らが敵意を燃やしてるコングは、島の守り神だったり、戦うのは他の大きな生き物。 そして、調査とは?


其処に、巨大な生き物を見た。 決着なんて、どうでも良くなり、マーロウとイカリはその後、髑髏島で一緒に生きていた。 時は飛び、かなり冒頭の話を忘れる位、ノリノリな音楽。1973年モナークと言う調査隊が特殊部隊に調査の警備の話しが行く。

 特殊部隊と共に、調査員を始めカメラマンやらが旅立つが、もう、冒頭からその部隊が飛び立つ様にノリの良い音楽。 最初から格好良さげに楽しげに旅立つが、天候は不安定。 

船での上陸は難しくなり、空から上陸する事に。 空から旅立つが、天候の悪さに加え、巨大な何かが目の前を塞ぐ。 



 一方、部隊とは違う傭兵として雇われたコンラッドのチームは、カメラマンウィバー達と移動していた。 其処でも、巨大な生物…クモなどに遭い、仲間は死んだ。 

危機を脱したと思った時、先住民が現れた! 驚いたウィバーだが、冒頭のマーロウが姿を現す。 マーロウは、戦争中、不時着した事、ここの先住民は悪くない事、コングは守り神の事を告げた。 この島から脱出不可能か?沢山の仲間はやられた!とどんな展開になるのか???と言うお決まりなパターンだが、全く、多くの巨大化した生物を相手に戦い、何とか過去の産物(マーロウの時代の船)を修理し、島を抜け出そうとする。 




物語は巨大生物対人間もだが、人間対人間にも、なりそうになる。 コンラッドは、コンラッド達民間人は船に、パッカード達軍人はコングを攻撃と二手に分かれる事に。 

  パッカードはコングを倒そうと爆弾を投げたりだが、破れる。 コンラッド達は、スカルクローラーと言う巨大なトカゲみたいなのに襲われ、コングが助ける。 


「こっちを見てるんだろ?」と。 それは、あたかも観客に話しかけてる様だった。だが、違った。モナークの施設にようこそ!と、島を一緒に旅した調査隊ブルックスとサンが出てきて、「この島だけではない」「古くから、この星は彼らのものだ、そして、あの巨人だけではない」と言って、スライドには、コング対キングギドラの様な影が映ってエンドロールを迎えるのであった! なんと、斬新で、何と刺激的か!なかなかに、面白かった。当時、4Dで、見れば良かった。

Kong: Skull Island』impression

 Ground wave, first broadcast! Fuji TV, Saturday Premium. I watched it today, not on Saturday. King Kong is an old-fashioned work that I’ve seen.The story is easy. Most of King Kong’s works are about talking about beauty and Kong, but this time the main characters go to investigate an unknown island called Skull Island. There are Kongs and big creatures and you can solve them by killing them! I thought it was a simple story.  A little different is that Kong, who is burning hostility, is the guardian deity of the island, and other big creatures who fight. And what is a survey?The first scene begins in 1944. American soldier Marlowe and Japanese soldier Ikari were fighting in the Pacific War. I saw a huge creature there. The settlement was no problem, and Marlowe and Ikari lived together on Skull Island after that. The music flies so fast that you forget the story at the beginning. 1973 A research team called Monarch talks to the special forces about security of the investigation. Although investigators and photographers and others will set off with the special forces, the music is so good that the forces will take off from the beginning. Although the trip started from the beginning with good looks, the weather was unstable. It will be difficult to land by boat, so we will land from the sky. I leave from the sky, but in addition to the bad weather, something huge blocks my eyes. It was a big monkey… Kong. The unit’s helicopters were crushed by Kong one after another. The commander was angry with Kong. However, it is a cool thing for the scene where Kong appears. The punch was also effective in the scene where Colonel Packard stared at Kong with his hostility. Without a single cut, gaze at… On the other hand, Conrad’s team, who was hired as a mercenary different from the troops, was moving with photographers Weavers. Despite that, a giant creature… A spider and others died, and his friends died. When I thought I was out of crisis, the indigenous people appeared! Surprised Wiver, but Marlow at the beginning appears. Marlow told us that he had landed during the war, that the indigenous people here were not bad, and Kong told him about the guardian god. Is it impossible to escape from this island? Many friends were killed! What kind of development will it be? ? ? It’s a standard pattern, but it fights against many giant creatures, repairs past products (ships of Marlowe’s days), and tries to escape from the island. Along the way, enormous creatures attacked one after another, and one of the research team was taken to a huge bird at a place where the team of Conrad and the team of Colonel Packard could join and leave the island in one step. It is lost. The pinch has come many times, huge creatures have attacked, fellows have fallen, and fights. Meanwhile, Kong helps Wiver. Fighting other giant creatures and helping humans, Conrad’s allies are killed, but they try to move forward. Colonel Packard still hates Kong. Packard tries to defeat Kong and Wibers who want to escape the island quickly. The story is about giant creatures versus humans, but it’s about to become humans.  Conrad civilians will be divided into ships and military Packards will attack Kong. Packard throws a bomb to defeat Kong, but it breaks. /> Conrad is attacked by a giant lizard called Skull Crawler, and Kong helps.It was about to end, with Marlowe returning home and saying, “Happy New Year,” but Conrad and Wiver were in the military room? I’m talking to where there will be a Magic Mirror. “You’re looking over here, right?” It was as if we were talking to the audience. But it was different. Welcome to the Monarch facility! Then, a group of researchers, Brooks and Sun, who traveled together on the island came out and said, “It’s not only this island” Greeted the end roll with a shadow like Kong vs. King Ghidorah! What a novel and exciting thing! It was quite interesting. At that time, it was nice to see it in 4D.

