




前作の、BTTF1のマーティの恋人ジェニファーの役者さんが変わったからだそうです。 分からないよね?似た役者を選んだのかな。 

そして、BTTF1の続きになる様に(本当は続編を作るつもりは無かったそうです。前作の感想→BTTF1感想。) 未来へ行くマーティと恋人ジェニファー。

 デロリアンで未来へ向かい、ジェニファーはパニくるが、未来に着いた途端、ドクに眠らされる。 ジェニファーの扱い、雑では?と思う。

ドクが、「マーティとジェニファーの未来に関わる事だ」と、未来に連れてきてしまったのに、ジェニファーは眠らされてほぼ、出番なし…? さて、未来を変える為に、ドクはマーティにマーティの未来の子供の服と同じものを着てと着替えさせる。 此処で有名な





そしてBTTF2と言えば、マーティのお得意のスケボーが、未来は宙に浮くホバーボードになっている。 此れも、夢がある。

マイケルJフォックス、BTTF2では、4役をこなしているのもさすがw。 マーティ本人役、マーティの息子役、マーティの娘役、未来のマーティ。

  未来の予想は、VR・TV電話(会議)・多チャンネルが同時に見れるTV etc…。当時としては、未来が思いつかなかった事はなかったのだ。

沢山のアイディアによって、BTTF2は彩られている。 未来のスポーツ誌を買ったマーティは、過去に戻って巨額の富を得ようと雑誌を持ち帰ろうとするが、ドクに止められる。




だが、今までのSFの物語だと、同じ人物が同時期に同じ空間にいてはいけないのでは?とは思うけど。 そこはスピルバーグのSF。同時刻に未来と過去のマーティが存在してしまうんだな。

 このBTTF 2の面白いところは、そう言うところだ。過去の自分を未来の自分が見ている。そして、また、未来を明るい方向へと変える。それが全てだ。 



Back to the future2』impression

BTTF2! !! !! Finally, broadcast! BTTF2 started by playing the last one again. It seems that the actor of Marty’s lover Jennifer of BTTF1 in the previous work has changed. You don’t know? I think I chose a similar actor. And, as if to be a continuation of BTTF1 (I did not really intend to make a sequel. Impression of the previous work → BTTF1 impression.) Marty and lover Jennifer going to the future. He went to the future with Delorian, Jennifer came to Pani, but as soon as he arrived in the future, he was put to sleep by Doc. ――How about Jennifer’s treatment? I think. Doc took him to the future, saying, “It’s about Marty and Jennifer’s future,” but Jennifer was put to sleep and there was almost no turn…? Now, in order to change the future, Doc makes Marty wear the same clothes as Marty’s future children’s clothes. Marty pretends to be his son and tries to avoid the future arrest of Marty’s child. Doc said in the first work that “history must not be changed,” but the reason why bad things that occur in the future may be changed is… I wonder why. The scene where Michael’s music is playing in the 80’s cafe that I went to as Marty’s son is kind of like Disney’s Tomorrowland cafe. (I suppose Disney reimported). Speaking of BTTF2, Marty’s favorite skateboard is a hoverboard that floats in the air in the future. I also have a dream here. The future is expected to be VR, TV phone (conference), TV etc. where you can watch multiple channels at the same time. At that time, the future was not unthinkable. BTTF2 is colored by many ideas. Marty, who bought a sports magazine of the future, tries to return to the past and bring back the magazine to get a huge amount of wealth, but it is stopped by Doc. On the other hand, Biff knows DeLorean is a time machine, uses DeLorean in an instant when there are no Martys, and gives the past sports annual magazine to himself, creating a future of Biff who won all bets. Marty who returned to the present age, in search of the cause in order to return to the original world somehow in the changed world, finds out that the future sports biography handed over the future sports biography. And again, I try to get back the sports annual magazine from Biff after flying past and passing the future sports annual magazine. The scene to go to the past and see the past Marty is the best. However, in the science fiction story so far, the same person should not be in the same space at the same time? I think ▽ There is SF of Spielberg. Marty of the future and the past will exist at the same time. The interesting thing about this BTTF 2 is that. The future one sees the past one. And again, the future will turn bright. That’s all. After all, when I saw it at the time, I had a dream in the future and it was an interesting feeling.

