『FateHFⅢSpring song)感想


最初と最後は繋がってるんだなって印象でした…。 それは、HF Ⅰで、士郎が冒頭、弓道部で弓を振るうシーンの事です。

HF Ⅲ では、さくらが、弓を振るいました。 それは、士郎の時は一般の生徒で、さくらは、部長として…弓道をしてました。 

〜最大のネタバレみたいなモノですね。 最終的なシーンの頃には、涙も乾いてるでしょうか?それとも、最後の最後まで泣いてるでしょうか…。 

多分、スゴいモノを見た!感動した!涙の嵐だった!!!が、多いコメントの中、私の感想は“いやぁ、やはり、この監督とは合わないわ”でした。 原作ゲームの様なら、アリだと思う、暗転のシーンが多過ぎるのは、HFの映画初めの頃からですけどね。


HF Ⅲ の作品の冒頭自体は、士郎がシンジの死体を確認するシーンから。此処で士郎は、黙認などしなかった。 

前なら、さくらを想うあまり、シンジの死を黙認し、さくらを抱きしめるだけに至ったかもしれない。 けれど、“さくらが犯した罪”として認識した。その上で、さくらを助け、さくらに会おうと、さくらの元に向かう。

コトミネの協力を得て、向かうのだが、今回の士郎は‘何も無い中、戦っている’。セイバーというサーヴァントも居ない。あるモノは、“正義の心”と自身の魔法くらい。 体術に長けているとか戦術が出来るとか…では無い。

 パンフレットを全て読んだ訳では無いけど(読み途中)H Fの士郎はstay nightの中で、セイバールート、UBW凛ルートと士郎は格好良い、成長する等を見せるが、このHFは格好悪い、士郎だと書いてあった。 

1番、人間臭いと言うか、やられてしまう士郎…。 だからこそ、人は、心を打たれるのだろうけど。 

そして、監督は、“士郎とさくらの物語にする”と言ってたそう。 確かにね。Fateのシリーズで、このHFしかまともにFateを、見てない私でも‘恋愛が核にある’とは感じる。 ただ、あくまでも、やはり‘原作のエロゲー’が核だろうなと感じる。 




 片知識を知ったところで、作品として見た時に、『HFⅡ』『HFⅠ』の感想を書いた様に、この監督のエロゲーとしてのH Fやり込んだ末作った作品が、私には辛かった…としか、言えない。 


ーと言う事で、HF Iも見直したのだが、仕事の関係で、H Fの冒頭は何回も見た。あと、エンドロールはI、II共に何回も聞いた。 主題歌は、I〜Ⅲまで同じ人が歌ってるし、物語に合ってて切なくも苦しい歌でココロ、打たれる。

HFの見返しは、士郎がIの冒頭セイバーを呼び出すもIの最後にて早くも手放してる。いや、仕方なかったんだけど。 IIでも、聖杯は分からない。ゾウケンが呼び出した影である、正体もワカラン。 

Ⅲでようやく、ゾウケンが全て悪かったのかなと言う印象。まぁ、最初からゾウケンが悪いのだけど。 そもそも、遠坂家からさくらを引き取ってでも自分の野望の為に聖霊呼び出せる人が必要だったからと言うのが、おかしい。さくらを虫漬けにして言う事を聞かせる意味も。


そして、コトミネもまた、巻き込まれた人の1人だったと言う事か。 昔、3人の御三家と呼ばれる魔法など使える人達が世界平和を夢見て始めた事かもしれない。 

その御三家のストーリーは、コトミネ役の中田さん曰く、Fate ZEROを見れば、分かるらしい。 私みたく、Fateアニメを流し見少しして、HFシリーズしか見てないと分からない事だらけなので、H Fの映画の見所だけ、書いていこう。

Fate stay night/Heaven’s Feel Ⅲ』アクション

Fateシリーズと言えば、アクションありきだろう。 まず、ライダーと士郎協力の元、vs闇落ちしたセイバー(セイバーオルタと言うらしい)戦は、ライダーのチェーン使いで撹乱し、華麗に舞いましたが、セイバーも強い故に苦戦を強いられます。

士郎も助け、セイバーオルタを撃つのだが、その一瞬、セイバーが意識を取り戻し朽ちていく処で、セイバー推しは号泣でしょう。士郎vsコトミネ。肉弾戦。コトミネvsゾウケン こちらは、痛いですね…。




 もう、涙が崩壊です。そう言うさくらは、ゾウケンにより歪んでしまった。養子にさえいかなければ、喧嘩はしても姉妹で遠坂家で仲良く暮らしていたかもしれない。 間桐シンジだって、過度な期待はされずにいて、幸せに暮らせてたと思う。

Fate stay night/Heaven’s Feel Ⅲ』姉妹愛と姉弟愛(+兄妹愛)

言わずもがな、さくらと凛の姉妹愛。 私の妹は、原作ゲームpray済みらしく、遠坂は原作で結構、性格悪いらしいけど、多分、恋愛においての小狡さと元よりのクールな性格って意味だと思う。

アニメでは、全く、恋愛ありきでも小狡い様は出てないけどね。 私からしたら、主軸が恋愛なので多少なら小狡くても本気なら、取る取らないになるから仕方ない点もあると思いますよ。 

ただ、そんな凛は見たくない気もするけど。 さくらは、遠坂家から間桐家に養子に行ったのは、間桐が優秀な子孫がいなかったからでしょ?間桐シンジは魔術は程々に努力したと思うけど、力は無かった。勉強をした後、薬を作れる…調合出来る様な描写。 

此れが、さくらを引き取らなければ、シンジ自身も歪まなかったと思うし、優秀な生徒だったと思う。 さくらはゾウケンに“器”として育てられるべく、ゾウケンの虫使いの虫に阻まれて侵されて犯された。 

その結果、性が敏感な体質に変えられてしまったと。 さくらは、凛の高校の優秀な先輩としての姿でしか再会してない。故に優秀な姉でしかないし、さくらは幼い頃から自分の事、汚いと思ってるんだろうな。 







 必要以上に士郎以外の人と関わらなかった癖に恋愛には必死…と見えてしまうの。其れは、身体が求めている事、正義感の強さを、持ちながら“綺麗な”先輩の士郎への憧れもあるんだろうけど。歪んでると言えば、シンジも期待もされず、魔力も低い。努力したが、英霊も呼べない…(ライダーはさくらが実は呼んだから)から、間桐家に居ながら期待もされない子で、唯一の弓道で優秀かと言うのも、史郎に抜かされて。歪んでしまった。また、シンジは、体でさくらを支配した錯覚になり(実際は、さくらの慰めなのだが、男性なので、優位と思っているのだろう。同情で始めた事でないと思う)歪んだ兄妹が、シンジとさくら。だけど、シンジは歪みつつも、士郎と幼馴染であり、その子供の頃から人間関係は社交性があった。努力したんだと思う。 そう考えると、間桐家、遠坂家、士郎と、かなりこのFateと言う物語の人物は努力家である。 シンジも又、さくらが養子に来なければ、多少の士郎への嫉妬くらいで済んだかもしれない。 人間は違えど、兄妹として暮らしてたのだから、さくらも歪みはありつつも社交性を出す事は出来そうだけどな? ただ、シンジが養子としてさくらが来た時から、独占欲で周りを蹴散らしてきたなら、さくらが友達も居ないのも納得だけど。 歪んだ人間、努力家が多いなこのゲーム。   ………話しを戻そう。姉妹愛としては、そう言ったお互いの視点はあるものの、このさくらルートでは、士郎の助けで「姉さん」呼びをするさくらが可愛いだろうし、互いに思いやるも其処が、見えないと言うのがネックである。



手に手を取り合い、空白を埋める様に何カ国も、器となる人形を探し求めた。 大人になっても、互いを気遣う様は、台詞に見えるが、1番最後の台詞って、残酷と私は取った。凛「さくら、幸せ?」は、沢山の、沢山の事を含めてのセリフである。 

また、姉弟愛と言えば、義兄弟のイリヤと士郎の事。士郎は、イリヤに最初殺されかけられたのに、自然と仲間となり、義兄弟の姉とは知らずに”妹“の様に想う。士郎の実直な愛情とで、イリヤの気持ちも解れたのだろう。 一方、イリヤは、衛宮切嗣とホムンクルスの子。




その戦いかたでバーサーカーを失う結果でもあった。 HFでは、最期、短い言葉ながらも士郎に姉だと告げる事が出来る。

士郎からしたら、なんの事か判らないだろうが。 「魔法を見せてあげる」「生きてたいでしょ?」「姉は弟を守るものだから」と、イリヤは士郎を生かす為、この世界の聖杯戦争を終わらす為、散っていく。

此処で、映画を見ている観客が泣かずにはいられなかったろう。 そうして、士郎の全部をかけて聖杯戦争を阻止するのではなく、イリヤの力で聖杯を破壊する変わりに、史郎の魂だけ救った。




最初から、シンジも性格悪かったなどと思わない。 さくらは、シンジが努力し、自分が出来ない勉強、薬の調合に至っては尊敬をしていた。血は繋がっていなくとも、とてもさくらは兄想いだったから。 


 そうでなければ、兄と慕わないし、兄と好きな人がしていた弓道をしなかったと思う。 歪んだ兄妹。 きっと、容姿で出会わなくても、シンジは凛に惹かれてた事から、何処かであっていたと思う。

Fate stay night/Heaven’s Feel Ⅲ』における恋愛と結末

 原作が原作だけでに、恋愛の話しは欠かせない。 ただ、このHFでは残酷としか言いようがない。


また、士郎も凛に惹かれないわけない。前作の映画で、凛とのエロい夢を見たからな、士郎。(桜のおっぱい触る夢も見たよ) Ⅱで原作エロゲーらしく、だが全年齢向け(?!!!)にR指定も出さずよく、エロシーンを入れたわと言う映画でしたが、其処で結ばれましたね。 


でも、肌を重ね、大切だと伝えたものの、また、Ⅱの最期で離れていく。 このⅢでは拗れまくった桜に対し、士郎は”こんなにも大切だったんだ“と口にする。桜への想いが満載でありつつも、桜は間違えてしまう。それもこれも、ゾウケンのせいなんだけど。 桜は、キツいお仕置きをされ、助かるが、士郎は、自らが砕けようとも構わないと終わらせようとしたけどね。 イリヤに魂だけ救われた。 そして、何年も掛けて姉妹は人形を見つけ、人形を媒介とし、復活する。それと暮らす桜だが…本当に、最期の凛の問いは残酷。 幸せ?人形のっ、人形になった士郎と暮らしてて幸せ!?悲しいよ。 確かに士郎の魂は、救われた人形に移されたけど、魂は再生ちゃんとされてるのだろうか?綺麗な頃の史郎のままなんではないだろうか?人形の身体は、成長しなくて、多分、士郎ならそれで良いと言うけど。 魂は高校生の頃の士郎だから、魂も成長しないかもしれない。 その上で、凛が聞く「さくらは幸せ?」 「はい」と答えているものの、成長をしない伴侶は、もはや、人間じゃないのだ。

  この、さくらルートの結末は、いや、このHFシリーズ全体、痛くて、辛い。 苦しい最期。 恋愛の色んな形があると思っても、其れを現実的に見てきた私でも、この物語に終わりかたは悲しくて愛せないと思った。 桜自身、幸せなら、良いと納得しながら終わるしかない。そんな最終回でした。

JAPAN AnimationMovie『Fate stay night/Heaven’s Feel 〜Spring song〜』

It was an impression that the beginning and the end were connected…  It is the scene of Shiro playing the bow in the archery part at the beginning of HF I. In HF III, Sakura wielded a bow.  It was a general student when Shiro was, and Sakura was doing archery as the manager.~ It’s like the biggest spoiler.  By the time of the final scene, will your tears be dry? Or are you crying until the very end? Maybe I saw something amazing! be moved! It was a tear storm! !! !! However, in a lot of comments, my impression was, “Oh, after all, this director doesn’t suit me.” If it’s an original game, I think it’s Ali, but there are too many dark scenes from the beginning of the HF movie.  Although I know 100, I think that it is a switching scene of that place. However, when I saw it as a “movie,” I wondered if it felt too dark, when the HF movie started.The beginning of the HF III work itself is from the scene where Shiro confirms Shinji’s corpse. Shiro didn’t acquiesce here.  In front of me, I might have thought of Sakura, but tolerated Shinji’s death and hugged Sakura. However, I recognized it as “a crime committed by Sakura.” Then, to help Sakura and meet Sakura, she heads to Sakura.I’m heading with the cooperation of Kotomine, but this time Shiro is’fighting without anything’. There is no servant named Saber. One thing is about “justice” and your own magic. I’m not good at physics and can play tactics. I haven’t read all the pamphlets (during reading), but HF Shiro shows Saber Root, UBW Rin Root and Shiro looking good, growing, etc. in the stay night, but this HF is awkward, Shiro Was written. 1, Shiro who is said to be human-like, or gets killed… That’s why people might be moved. Then, the director said, “I will make a story about Shiro and Sakura.” Indeed. In the Fate series, even if I haven’t seen this HF decently Fate, I feel that’love is at the core’. However, I feel that the original eroge is the core. The director himself said that he wanted to give the feeling of playing the game when making this movie, and it seems that the evaluation of this movie and the original author feel that it is.When I watched a little Fate’s TV animation, I don’t really feel Saber route or Rin route in “love main”. In other words, it is a recognition that the original work is mainly “summoning magic and spirits”, and the eroticism of “supplying magic power” is included in the story emphasis. ↑For knowledge of the original, see Wikipedia, ask my sister, see the video. By the way, even at that time, I had heard that it was eroge.When I knew one piece of knowledge, when I saw it as a work, as I wrote the impression of “HFⅡ” “HFⅠ”, the work made by HF as this director’s eroge was difficult for me … Only I can say. If you are a man, the action is amazing with all Fate works! I know, but I think that the core of the story is that this HF is a “decision after many years of accumulation” at Fate, and a love. The understanding is that the action is… summoning the spirits, and then the three who wished for eternal peace started by Makiri, Tohsaka, and Einzbern, who created the nucleus of the spirit, settled the contents… I also reviewed HF I, but due to my work, I saw the beginning of HF many times. Also, I heard the end rolls I and II many times.  The theme song is sung by the same person from I to III, and it is a painful song that fits the story and is struck by heart. In return for the HF, Shiro called I’s Saber at the beginning, but he was already letting go at the end of I. No, I could not help it. Ⅱ I don’t know the Holy Grail. The identity of the shadow called by Zouken, Wakaran. Ⅲ Impression that the elephants were all bad at last. Well, the elephant is bad from the beginning. It’s funny to say that even if I took Sakura from the Tohsaka family, I needed someone who could call the Holy Spirit for my ambition. It also has the meaning of listening to what Sakura says by pickling it.Let’s talk back. As you can see from Ⅰ, most of the time, for whom, “Zouken made for his ideal” was done. ――Is Kotomine also one of the people involved? It may be that people who can use magic called three Sankeya dreamed of world peace long ago. According to Mr. Nakata, who plays the role of Kotomine, the story of the three families can be understood by looking at Fate ZERO.  I want to watch the Fate animation, and there are lots of things that I can not understand unless I see only the HF series, so let’s write only the highlights of the HF movie.

FateHFⅢ Action

Speaking of the Fate series, there will be action. First of all, with the cooperation of the rider and Shiro, the vs. darkened Saber (it seems to be called Saber alter) was disturbed by the rider’s use of the chain and danced brilliantly, but Saber is also strong, so it is difficult to fight. Shiro also saves and shoots Saber Alter, but at that moment, Saber regains consciousness and decays. Shiro vs Kotomine. Meat war. Kotomine vs Zouken This is painful… However, Kotomine was told about the painful past that he lived for a long time without a personality. Sakura vs Zouken is not terrified. Sakura vs Tohsaka Battle is a beautiful scene where Rin fights Sakura’s familiar with a sword of jewels for the Sakura fight like Bassavasa and Kiriko. However, it was completely understandable that Rin gave up thinking about Sakura because I was also my sister. In this scene, Tohsaka’s boss I was almost crazy, but I couldn’t (because it was full on the first day), so I suppressed it. The tears have collapsed. Sakura who says so was distorted by the elephant. If I couldn’t even adopt, I might have had a quarrel with my sisters and lived together at the Tosaka family. I think Shinji Magiri was able to live happily without being overly expectant.

『FateHFⅢ』 brother love

Needless to say, the sister love of Sakura and Rin. My sister seems to have completed the original game pray, and Tohsaka seems to have a good personality with the original, but I think that it means a small character in love and a cool personality. In anime, there’s no such thing as a small kid, even though there is love. From my point of view, since the main axis is love, I think that there is a point that I can not help taking it if I am serious even if it is a little tricky. However, I don’t want to see Rin. Sakura went to the Makiriya family from the Tohsaka family because he had no descendants with good talent, right? Shinji Makiri thinks that he has made a moderate effort in magic, but he has no power. After studying, you can make medicine…depiction that can be mixed. I think that Shinji wouldn’t be distorted if he didn’t pick up Sakura, and I think he was an excellent student. Sakura was attacked and raped by an elephant worm bug to be raised as an “vessel” by an elephant ken. As a result, you have changed your sex to a sensitive constitution. Sakura only meets again as an excellent senior at Rin’s high school. That’s why she’s only an excellent sister, and she’s considered herself dirty when she was young. I asked my excellent sister for help and thought, “Why don’t you come to help?” Whether or not I could use magic (because I could not see the scene), I had a much stronger power. Since I had a lot of patience and hardship, my older sister would have thought that she would hone it in the Tohsaka family without knowing it. But right? Even Tohsaka has so much magical power that he can collect jewels, use them as weapons, and can call the spirits, but I think there was an invisible effort. Without extraordinary efforts, there is no rin now. Probably, I think that it is hard work to achieve excellent results including magic, and I think there was a lot of pain in carrying the Tohsaka family on my back. Sakura, well… because HF is the Sakura route, it seems obvious, but I think it’s selfish. Think too much about yourself and rely too much on your ruler. Therefore, even if there was a teacher called Taiga, I did not consult (well, Taiga is too dull.Because I asked Kiritsugu Emiya too much), my friends do not seem to be present for their appearance, and I did not rely on it. Robber, Saber was barely hostile in the previous movie. Because of the habit of not being involved with people other than Shiro more than necessary, it seems desperate for romance. I think there is a longing for Shiro who is a “beautiful” senior who has the strength of a sense of justice that the body wants. Speaking of being distorted, I don’t expect Shinji and my magic is low. I tried hard, but I couldn’t even call the spirits (because Sakura was actually calling the rider), so even though I was in the Magiri family, I wasn’t expected, and it was overlooked by Shiro that he was the only archery performer. It’s distorted. In addition, Shinji becomes an illusion that Sakura is controlled by the body (actually, it is Sakura’s comfort, but I think he is superior because he is a male.I think it was not started with compassion) Distorted brother and sister And Sakura. However, while Shinji was distorted, he was a childhood friend of Shiro, and from the time he was a child, human relationships were sociable. I think I made an effort. Thinking so, the person in the story called Fate is a hard worker. Shinji may also have been a little jealous of Shiro if Sakura did not come to adopt him. /> Human beings are different, but since I lived as a brother and sister, it seems that Sakura can have sociality while being distorted, isn’t it? However, if Shinji had been around since he came up as an adopted child, and if he had scattered around with a monopoly, it would make sense that Sakura had no friends. ━ This game that has many distorted people and hard workers. ……Let’s get back on track. As sister love, although there are mutual viewpoints like that, in this Sakura route, Sakura who calls “sister” with the help of Shiro will be cute, and I think that mutual consideration is that I can not see it is there. Sakura thought she was an excellent sister, and Rin could not have met even if Sakura went to adopt and wanted to see her. I think it overlapped a lot. It was two people who care, and I could not talk about the other person’s past with each other, but in the end, Rin was seriously injured, but I went to search for Shiro’s vessel that was alive and only soul. Hand-in-hand, filling the void, countries sought puppets to serve as vessels. Even though I grew up, it seemed like I was caring for each other, but I took the last line as cruel. Rin “Sakura, happiness?” is a line that includes many things and many things. Speaking of sibling love, brother-in-law Ilya and Shiro. Shiro, who was first killed by Ilya, naturally becomes a friend and thinks like a “younger sister” without knowing her brother-in-law’s sister. Shiro’s honest affection could have helped Ilya’s feelings. Meanwhile, Ilya is a child of Kiritsugu Emiya and Homunculus. Born as a daughter, his appearance did not grow, he hated Kiritsugu, and he was a poor child who found life worth noting because he had an adopted child. He must have’forgiven’ by the fact that he has met Shiro and has a serious, obedient and gentle personality that would come from Shiro’s sense of justice. Ilya, who has lived with an inconvenient body, has a partner called Berserker and has lived hard, but I think that there was a limit to the growth of my heart in the life of one of the selfish castles. It was also the result of losing Berserker in the battle. In HF, at the end, you can tell Shiro that you are an older sister, even with a short word. Shiro wouldn’t know what that was. “I’ll show you the magic” “I want to live?” “My sister protects my younger brother,” Ilya scatters to save Shiro and to end the Holy Grail war in the world. The audience watching the movie couldn’t help crying here. Instead of destroying the Holy Grail War with all of Shiro, instead of destroying the Holy Grail with the power of Ilya, only Shiro’s soul was saved. My sister and brother. Despite being brother-in-law, the world protected by ultimate love.Incidentally, brother and sister… Shinji and Sakura. If they didn’t even adopt, they might never have met each other. However, as soon as I met and became a brother and sister, my sister was injured by Jijii, I do not know if Shinji thought it was a compassion for human help and it was comforting at first, but gradually Sakura goes to his favorite Shiro and love is distorted. It may have come to be thought that physical comfort is control by force. From the beginning, I don’t think Shinji had a bad personality. Sakura was respected for Shinji’s hard work, study that he could not do, and compounding of medicines. Even if the blood wasn’t connected, Sakura was still thinking of her brother. Sakura wanted to kill and destroy it, and to think that she had a different personality because she didn’t want to admit herself. Otherwise, I don’t care about my brother, and I think I didn’t do the archery that my brother and other people liked. Distorted brother and sister. I’m sure Shinji was somewhere because Rin was attracted by Rin even if he didn’t meet him in appearance.

Love and ending in 『Fate stay night/Heaven’s Feel III』

The story of romance is indispensable because the original is only the original. However, this HF can only be said to be cruel. Romance…Of course, it’s about Shiro and Sakura. However, I think Rin is not attracted to Shiro even on this route. Also, Shiro cannot be attracted to Rin. Shiro, who had an erotic dream with Rin in the previous movie. (I also dreamed of touching the boobs of cherry blossoms) It seems to be the original eroge in Ⅱ, but I did not even give R designation for all ages (?!!!), it was a movie saying that I put an erotic scene, but it was tied there It was Cycles back and forth were repeated in the previous work II. As a result of Sakura’s reluctance to do so, it was a love game, but I thought it would be tied up. However, although I told my skin was important and I said it was important, I will leave at the end of Ⅱ again. In this Ⅲ, Shiro said “I was so important” to the cherry blossoms that had been sore. While full of feelings for the cherry blossoms, the cherry blossoms are mistaken. This is also due to Zouken. Sakura was punished by a hard punishment, which was helpful, but Shiro tried to finish it, even if he didn’t mind breaking it. Ilya saved only her soul. Then, over the years, the sisters find a doll, use the doll as a medium, and resurrect. It’s a cherry tree that lives with that… Really, the last question of Rin is cruel. happiness? I am happy to live with Shiro who became a doll! ? I’m sad. Indeed, Shiro’s soul was transferred to a saved doll, but is the soul supposed to be reborn? Isn’t it like Shiro when he was beautiful? The body of the doll doesn’t grow up, and maybe Shiro is fine. Since the soul is Shiro when I was in high school, my soul may not grow. Then, Rin asks, “Is Sakura happy?”  Although he answered “Yes,” the spouse who does not grow up is no longer a human. The ending of this Sakura route is no, the whole HF series is painful and painful. The painful end. Even though I think there are various forms of romance, even though I have seen them realistically, I thought that the end of this story was sad and could not be loved. If the cherry blossoms themselves are happy, they must end up convinced that they are happy. It was such a final episode.

