実写っぽい、綺麗で洗礼された映像。 映像美だけど、確かにアニメ。 恋の話しで、新宿御苑が舞台。 新宿御苑、行った事がないかもなので、チョコレートを持って行きたくなった。 新海誠監督作品は、初見。前から話題でも、見る事がなかったが、今回は恋愛映画っぽく、絵も綺麗で見に行こうと思った。
猫が亡くなる話しなんて、すごく泣けるよ~・・・!!!言の葉の前にこんなに泣かせちゃダメでしょ!・・・て位、泣いたし。 ただ、ラストで‘野村不動産‘って出したら、現実に引き戻されるでしょ。
JAPAN Animation MOVIE『KOTONOHANONIWA』(The Garden of Words)Impressions
Makoto Shinkai MOVIE
The picture which was baptized by the beautifulness which looks like taking a picture. It’s picture beauty, certainly, animation. By speaking of love, Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden is a stage. They were Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden and the sucker who doesn’t have that he went, so I felt like taking chocolate. Shinkai Makoto director work was seen for the first time. There were no cases that a director work also judges by a topic from the front, but it looked like a love movie this time, and I thought a picture also went to judge by beautifulness.
Simultaneous showing『DAREKANO MANAZASHI』(『Someone’s look』)
Speaking of which a cat dies is touched wonderfully-…! You shouldn’t make them cry so much in front of the leaf of a word!… please, I cried with the place and. If a sponsor ‘Nomura real estate ‘takes out the title only and last, it would be restored actually. I like a cat very much personally, so I like the one of the short movie here.
(This work isn’t DVD-ized.)
