『アナベル 死霊館の人形』感想 実話が元のアナベル映画




 時は遡り、1970年代初頭教会にて、礼拝をしている夫婦。お隣のフォーム夫婦とは仲良くしていて、教会でも会う。フォーム夫婦の娘 アナベルが帰ってこない事を除けば、温和な夫婦だった。





すると、隣の家のドアがバーン!と開いたかと思ったら、ジョンの衣服に血が! ジョン「俺の血ではない、(フォーム夫婦が血を流してる)救急車を呼べ!」。 

ミアは、家に戻り、救急車に電話する。 その時、後ろに人影が…? 気付かず、電話を終えた時、誰かがミアを襲う! 妊娠するミアの脇腹に刺さる何か!揉み合う2人。 

ジョンが家に戻り、加勢に入るが、また誰かにやられてしまう。 また、夫婦で何者かと揉み合い夫がやられ、ミアも…と言う処で、警官が犯人を撃つ!犯人は隣のフォーム夫婦の娘アナベルと交際相手であり、アナベルは狂信的にカルト教団を信じていた。


 病院に運ばれたミアは、お腹の赤ちゃんに問題ないと言われていた。 家に帰ると、何回も洗浄したから平気だよと、ジョンに促され、帰路に着く。 


誤作動と思い、スイッチを切るも、夜だけでなく昼もその、人形の部屋から音が聞こえる。人形の乗ったロッキングチェア。 妻は「捨てて」と、夫に人形を捨てさせる。


ミアは、気付かず、テレビを見ながらミシンでモノを作り続ける。 やがて、キッチンが火の海になってるとも気付かないままだったが、TVを見ながらミシンをしていて、集中していず、指をミシンで切ってしまう。

 指を洗いに行くと、キッチンの火事に気付く。 まさかの、大火事で助けてと逃げるが、妻の足を何者かが掴み、妻は引き摺られ、火事の中に。 

その時、隣のフォーム夫婦の事を調べ報告していた刑事に助けてもらえ、また病院に運ばれる。病院に到着するジョン。 怪我は大丈夫だった。赤ちゃんも出産してしまった…と。


出掛けようとマンション下の階へ行くと、階段に子供がいて、通る際に声掛けするが、あまり良い答えは帰ってこない。 マンションを出て、近所の本屋へ。本屋で引越し先の近くだと言う店員エブリンと出会う。 




彼女は、幼い子供を亡くしていた。 ミアが最終的にまた悪魔の呪い(アナベルを媒体とした)でエレベーターに乗って地下のゴミ捨て場に行くが暗闇に何度も引き摺り込まれそうになったりするけど、神父やジョンは助けてくれる感じでない。


今がその時だ’と言う若干、オチが見えた処で、アナベル人形を抱いて飛び降りる。 なんとも…ポルターガイストも、アナベル誕生の理由もちゃんと説明出来てる。 ホラー映画としては、及第点だろう。 映像も暗くなく、お約束の展開だが、最後に本物らしきアナベル人形の映像が出た処で、満足。



The Reikan Museum, the first work I see in the series. 2014 work. At the beginning, from the scene where the Annabel doll is entrusted to Mr. and Mrs. Warren. A couple go back in time to worship in the early 1970s church. Form next door I’m on good terms with my husband and wife, and I meet at church. Form The daughter of the couple was a gentle couple, except that Annabel never returned.The Mia couple were waiting for their children. My wife likes to collect antique dolls, and there are several in her room. My husband suddenly closed his eyes! And when my wife opened her eyes, there was a big box. A big old doll appears from the inside. I say it is an antique doll that my wife has been looking for. From that night, unpleasant incidents happen one after another. Wife next door finds his wife fighting at night. Wife Mia looks anxiously at her husband John going to the next house. Then, the door of the next house burns! I thought it opened, but blood was on John’s clothes! John: “Not my blood, call an ambulance (form couple is bleeding!)”. Mia returns home and calls the ambulance. At that time, there is a figure behind …? Unknowingly, when the call ends, someone attacks Mia! Something stuck on the flank of pregnant Mia! Two people rubbing each other. John returns to his house and joins in, but somebody loses it again. In addition, when the husband and wife were rubbing against each other as a couple, and Mia also said, the police officer shot the criminal! The criminal had a relationship with the next-form couple’s daughter, Annabel, who fanatically believed in the cult. A girl’s doll was held in the hand of a person struck by a police officer… On the cheek of the doll, Mia was dripping blood, and it was said that there was no problem with the hungry baby. When I got home, John urged me that I was fine because I washed it many times and arrived on my way home. However, there is another mysterious phenomenon at night. The mobile in the room prepared for a baby with nobody starts to move, and his wife’s sewing machine moves. I thought it was a malfunction, and when I switched it off, I heard a sound from the doll’s room not only at night, but also at daytime. A rocking chair with a doll on it. Wife asks her husband to throw away the doll.The next day, John sets up popcorn on the stove and goes out without waking up his wife who is taking a nap while resting in the room. Mia continues to make things with the sewing machine while watching TV without noticing. Eventually, I did not even notice that the kitchen became a sea of ​​fire, but I was sewing while watching TV, I was not concentrating and I cut my finger with the sewing machine. When I went to wash my fingers, I noticed a fire in the kitchen. No way, in a big fire, I escape to help, but somebody grabs my wife’s foot, and my wife is dragged into the fire. At that time, the detective who investigated and reported the next-form couple was sent to the hospital again with the help of the detective. John arrives at the hospital. The injury was okay. The baby has also given birth… A couple moving home. While unpacking the move, the doll will come back, but Mia consulted with the priest about Poltergeist and recalled that he said “I must overcome the fear”, Display on the wall.When I went to the floor under the apartment to go out, there was a child on the stairs, and I called out when I passed, but I didn’t get a good answer. Leave the mansion and head to the nearby bookstore. At the bookstore, I meet a clerk, Evelyn, who says it’s near the place I moved to.  I left the bookstore, hugged my baby, and when I took my eyes off, the stroller suddenly moved to the road, and the stroller was hit by a truck and wrecked.  Mia was depressed and returned, and when she returned, there was a piece of paper on the floor of the mansion that had a stroller and truck drawn by children. After all, various misfortunes have been encountered since the doll came. The priest takes care of the doll in order to enshrine it, but he returns and is in trouble. Are the couple safe and safe?To help Mia, Evelyn of the bookstore finds and cooperates with books about the devil. When Evelyn met Mia’s husband, she seemed to know it from a long time ago. She had lost her young child. Eventually Mia again took a devil’s curse (using Annabel as a medium) to take an elevator to the underground garbage dump, but she was likely to be dragged into the dark many times, but Father and John helped I don’t feel like it. Mr. Warren and Mr. and Mrs. Warren did not appear in the main part… At the end, when Mia says to the devil (let’s write the character) when trying to jump off to execute the’contain the devil with death’ thing! John and Evelyn arrive and stop, Evelyn’it was not time to die when the child died. I said, “That’s the time now,” and when I saw the punch line, I hugged the Annabel doll and jumped off. What… Poltergeist can explain the reason why Annabel was born. As a horror movie, it will be the highest point. The image is not dark, and it is a promised development, but I am satisfied that the picture of the Annabel doll that seems to be real is finally displayed.

