このインタビュー自体の映像は、VTRにまとめ、講演に使われている。 それが冒頭のシーン。
だが、古い家でエアコンも壊れていた。犬も家の中に入るのが嫌がる家だった様だ。 翌日から、おかしな事が続いた。
オルゴールの上部を開けるとグルグルの鏡になっていて其れが回るとローリーが見えるらしい。 奇怪な事が起こり、家族に被害も及ぶ。
彼女自身魔女だった。 ウォーレン夫妻がペロン家の妻キャロリンにインタビューした際、全くキャロリンの声が入ってない。
バチカンの神父にお祓いを依頼する時は、ウォーレン夫妻の現地調査をし証拠を元に神父が派遣される。 ペロン家は無神論者で洗礼を受けていない事は、お祓いに行くのも難しいとも思われた。
まず、設定が複雑。 文字にすると複雑…だ し、外国の悪魔憑きって何で上流の悪魔が一般人に憑くのか謎。 日本で言う‘おかしくなった’現象で、“狐憑き”ってあるけど狐が人を化かすから…いやだったら、狸でもいいだろうっれ思うけれども。
日本は日本で‘狐憑き’と呼ぶのは納得いくし、理由も降霊や精神的疾患だとすると理解出来るけど、外国の“悪魔憑き”の上流の悪魔(名前の付いてる悪魔が憑くのが分からない、下流の悪魔なら名前は付いてなさそうだし)が憑く意味が分からない。 全ての外国の悪魔憑きを否定したが、感想。
この映画で1番良かったのは、ウォーレン夫妻の夫エドが悪魔祓いする事よりも、ペロン家の家族を和まそうとレコードも効かない家の中で、ギターを弾きみんなで歌う処と、冒頭のアナベルが不気味な処、後、魔女に取り憑かれたキャロリンがアカデミー賞ものの驚愕な顔をする処だね。 ほんと、それ以外は阿鼻叫喚の叫んでるだけだから。
(ちなみにウォーレン夫妻の夫エド演じるパトリック・ウィルソンは、母親が歌手故か歌上手い、最近の主演はインシディアス。 そして、ペロン家の妻キャロリンのアカデミー賞ものを演じるリリ・テイラーは自主映画も出る個性派女優だそうだ)
複雑…と言うより、背景からの登場人物が多過ぎて頭落ち着かない! 〜と言う事で、評価は星2です。
先に『死霊館のシスター』見ちゃったケド、やはり其方が面白かったですね、設定的に。 まぁ…ね。死霊館の原作自体、ウォーレン夫妻の体験談だから、事実は面白く無いのでしょうけど。
『The Conjuring』STORY
In 1971, Mr. and Mrs. Warren consulted about the’Anabel case’. It is a consultation about a cursed doll called Annabel. Mr. and Mrs. Warren say that the devil is not a doll, but a medium. After the investigation, Warren and his wife put Annabel in the underground museum in the manor’s mansion and are treated twice by the priest twice a month. The video of this interview itself is compiled into a VTR and used for the lecture. That is the beginning scene.That year, the Peron family, who bought their home at an auction, moved to a rural town in Rhode Island. However, the air conditioner was broken in the old house. It seems that dogs didn’t want to enter the house. The strange thing continued from the next day. The dog dies and his wife Carolyn has a bruise on her body. The clocks all over the house stop at 3:07, and the fourth daughter, Cindy, becomes sleepwalking. There is also a strange basement. April, the youngest child who picks up the music box on the side of the pond, can make a friend named Raleigh in the music box. When you open the top of the music box, it looks like a rugged mirror, and when it turns, you can see Raleigh. Bizarre things happen and the family is damaged. After learning about Warren, Peron asks Warren for help. Her husband, Ed, is a devil researcher recognized by the Catholic Church. His wife, Lorain, has the ability to see through. Lorane often uses too much power. Even at this time, I wanted to cancel the field survey for a while, but since Mr. and Mrs. Peron came to negotiate directly after the lecture, I decided to go.The Peron family’s mansion is more than the Warrens could imagine. As a result of the investigation, there was a disgusting past. Jedson Sherman built it on the land where he lived, and his wife, Bussheba, gave birth to a child, but tried to sacrifice the devil, but his husband found it and committed suicide with a tree near the pond. “I will curse this land,” he said. She was a witch herself. When Mr. and Mrs. Warren interviewed Carolyn, a wife of the Peron family, there is no voice of Carolyn. When requesting the Vatican’s priest to enshrine it, the priest is dispatched based on evidence after conducting a field survey of the Warrens. The Peron family was atheist and not baptized, so it seemed difficult to go to the temple. Immediately, Mr. and Mrs. Warren start a field survey, but fear is attacked one after another. At one end, Lorain sees the hint that the witch’s curse will come out to Warren’s daughter. Can you defeat the witches on this mighty scale devil?
AmericanMovie『The Conjuring』review
Foreign demon possession It is a mystery why the upstream demon possesses the general public. It’s a “crazy” phenomenon in Japan, and it’s called “fox possession”, but because foxes turn humans… I don’t think a raccoon dog would be fine. The fox seems to be a’fox’ because it can be seen as a fox that can be better cheated from a raccoon dog, but I think it’s a’fox’ because the fox is enshrined like a guardian spirit. Foxes… Inari has been around for a long time. From olden times, it was thought to be possession, but in modern times, it is said that something is wrong with mental disorders like epilepsy. It is understandable that Japan is called’fox possession’ in Japan, and it can be understood that it is a spiritual illness or a mental illness, but it is an upstream demon of a foreign demon possession (the demon with a name possesses I don’t know, if it’s a demon in the downstream, it doesn’t seem to have a name). Denial of all foreign demon possession, but impression.A woman who was a witch fanatic and herself a relative of the witch, called Bassieva, tried to sacrifice her 7-day-old baby. The Peron family is coming to the ground, but the explanation of the witch’s history is already long. In order to send a bishop from the Vatican, it is necessary to investigate Mr. and Mrs. Warren (image of evidence), the Vatican does not move immediately, and each time I receive a baptism but the priest can not come … What? I think. Now, if I connect online and broadcast live, it will come in one shot… I think it’s messy. And Mrs. Walker, who committed suicide there, died in the basement of the Peron family………a lot of people came out. The children of the Peron family were possessed, and the family stayed at the motel by evacuation. While the Peron family were evacuating to the motel, they hurried home and their daughter was trapped in the room by the witch using Annabel. I can help you one step now.Finally, Peron’s wife, Carolyn, returns to the mansion with her daughters April and Christine who are possessed by a witch and have a spiritual view. The Warrens, who were informed that Caroline wasn’t there, decided to return to the Peron’s mansion, but her husband Ed went on his own, worried that Lorain was tired of his abilities! But in the end, two people go together. The appearance of the Academy Award was changed when Carolyn’s devil possessed him! Other than that, just scream at the end! The basement is dark due to the noise, so it’s hard to see the image, what is it? In the world called, in the image of the Poltergeist of the mansion brought to the Vatican, it was decided that the priest will be dispatched, but it was not in time, and the devil researcher Ed who is not a priest just says “I will do the devil shrine!” .. e? Can you do it? Then I started singing the Bible, and Lorain gave Carolyn a “remember the old days, my family”, and eventually Caroline’s consciousness prevailed over the devil. ? ? I just wonder why. The best thing about this movie is that, in the house where the record doesn’t work to calm the family of the Peron family, rather than when the husband and wife of Warren, Ed, exorcise, they play guitar and sing together. Annabel at the beginning is a creepy place, and later, Carolyn possessed by a witch makes a startling face like an Academy Award. Except for that, I’m just screaming. Rather than being complicated, there are too many characters from the background to rest your head! By saying, the rating is 2 stars. Kedo, who I saw “Seikan Museum Sister” earlier, was also interesting, as a matter of setting. Ah well. The fact that the original work of the Reikan Museum itself is a story of Mr. and Mrs. Warren, so the fact may not be interesting. In the end roll, I get a picture of the real Peron family and Mrs. Warren. Yeah… it’s really scary when you’re there, but when you watch it as a movie, it’s scary at that time, but why now? There were many