

2023年アメリカ映画。ホラー、PG12作品。SF(サイエンスフィクション)と言うジャンルに位置付けられるのは流石に、ミーガンがAI人形だから納得のジャンル。 コンセプトは“アナベルでターミネーターなAI人形”…なんのこっちゃ笑。

アナベルよりも近年上映したホラー2019年度版“チャイルドプレイ”(リメイク)がより、AIチャッキーで良かった……^_^ が、チャッキーみたいにクソなNG用語を吐かないのが流石女の子アンドロイド。


ミーガンはおもちゃメーカーのAIロボ“ペッツ”を越えて作られた商品になる筈だったが、AIの学習能力故に色々学びすぎて殺人鬼になってしまう。 いや、ミーガンは契約者のケイディを守る為にやった事なので悪気は微塵も無いのだが…。








なかなか酷い雪山に車はガタゴト…お父さんはタイヤにチェーンを付けてなく、お母さんはそれを咎める。視界不良になり車を一旦停止し除雪車を待とうと言うお母さん。 道も悪すぎ、ケイディのタブレットを床に落とし危ない位。流石にお父さんも車を止める。


お母さん方の叔母ジェマはオモチャメーカーに勤めていて“ペッツ”を越える商品を安値で他社に出されてから更なるリニューアルを考え忙しい日々を送っている開発者だった。 ケイディを引き取る事になったが…自分も姉妹を亡くし、悲しみに暮れる事の間もなく、まだ身体の傷も癒えないケイディを家に迎え入れる。

 ジェマ叔母さん(手前)とケイディ(奥) (画像:IMDbより)



ただ寝る前には本を読み上げてくれるかとケイディに言われ児童書も無いから…とは言うものの、児童書をスマホにダウンロードした。 夜中、プログラミングに追われるジャマだが、ケイディの泣き声を寝室から聞いてしまう。





誤魔化しきれないジェマの同僚コール(男性)とテス(女性)も諦め、開発中の“ペッツ”を越えるAI人形について話す。 そんな予算も組めない様な高価な商品をどうやって?と思うデヴィッドへのプレゼンに3人は開発中に“M3GAN(ミーガン)”も要領オーバーでヒートアップ。失敗に終わる。






ケイディの子供目線のアイディアにふんふんと耳を傾けてるとケイディが部屋にある大きなロボットに興味を示す。 自分の学校の卒業制作に作ったロボットだと大きなロボットを遠隔アームで動かしグーで挨拶する。

 ジェマの学生時代の卒業製作ロボ アーム型の遠隔操作で動く(画像:IMDbより)

ケイディはこう言うロボがペッツだったら良いのにと漏らすと、ジェマの中のアイディアが一気に固まり、ケイディは息を吐く様にプログラミング、自社の研究所へアイディアを叩きつけるが如く、新しいミーガンの顔も届き、アイディアを詰め込んだミーガンが完全に起動する…! ミーガンはケイディに引き合わせられ、ケイディに登録される。 





ガラス越しで見守るミーガンにゴムの矢を弓で引いて当て、もう1本が無くなったと騒ぐ。 ミーガンは矢を分析し、塀の壊れた処から隣の庭にある矢を取りに手を伸ばす。 隣の犬はミーガンに喰らいつき、ケイディはジェマの名を呼ぶと寝室で寝ていたジェマは起き飛び出してくる。ボロボロな髪になったミーガン。犬を繋いで置けと隣のオバさんセリアに言い、怒る。 



警官に子供は1人ですと言い、犬は知らないと説明するジェマに興奮が治らないセリアは人の家に入ろうとする…。警官は止め、扉を閉める。 その後もセリアは口笛や犬の餌を持って夜まで探すが出てこない…。 

その夜、セリアはまた犬を探して歩くと自分の家の納屋の様な小屋から愛犬の声が聞こえる。小屋は電気がそうは点かないが小さな明かりを頼りに探すセリア。 後ろにはミーガンが立って急に襲ってくる。叫ぶセリアを尻目に目も追いつかない速さでミーガンは高圧洗浄機の空気を手動でシュシュと入れ、最大パワーでセリアに浴びせかけ………。 

翌朝、また警官がジェマの家を訪ね“犬は見てませんよ”と言うジェマ。いえ、違うんですよと言う警官の先にセリアの家から遺体が運び出されるのを目にするジェマ…。 色々遭ったがケイディの心理状態も芳しく無いがプレゼンをどうするか聞くジェマ。ミーガンとケイディのプレゼンは思わぬ形で出資者に感動を呼び、無事成功する。 



不登校や問題のある子供達から、男の子で暴れん坊の子はキノコ探しで組みたくないと言われ…ケイディと組まされる。ジェマはその母親と話し軽食の準備をしている。 キノコ探しがスタートするが…その男の子は意地悪をしてきて、持ち物置き場からミーガンを連れ出す。 

ケイディはジェマを呼び叫びに気付いたジェマは持ち物置き場からミーガンがない事に気付く。 複雑な森の中、ミーガンを抱えて走った男の子はリアルな動かない振りをしているミーガンに話しかけ、動かないからつまらない…とミーガンを叩きつけ跨ぎ、靴を脱がせて片方投げる。 

するとミーガンはあり得ない動きで起き上がり、教育が悪いねとその男の子に襲いかかる。 耳を引き千切り逃げる男の子に四つん這いになりながら走って追いかけてくる。逃げた男の子は崖から落ち、更に車道に落ちてしまい其処を通りがかった車に撥ねられ即死。

 警察が来て事情を聞かれるキャンプでは、ミーガンはこっそり車の中に避難させていた。 帰り、ミーガンを疑うジェマ。夜になりミーガンがケイディの部屋でログアウトしてるのを確認し事故現場の画像が無いかアクセスするが、画像はアクセス出来ない…。





 一方、ケイディとジェマは家に帰り発表会に出ない事を決めた。車を運転し会社を後にするジェマ。 着々とミーガン発表会の準備が進む会社では地下の開発室でミーガンは暴れ上階に向かっている処にデビィッドが遭遇…。奇怪なダンスをするミーガンが廊下に突然現れ、手にコピーの裁断用の刃を持ったのを見てことの事態に慌て…。 




何と言うまぁ、オチが見えてしまうホラーなんだ?と久々に思った。チャッキー(チャイルドプレイ)の様にやっつけられるの確実〜みたいな。そんなオチとは見えましたが…。 パンフレットでは製作のジェームズ・ワンで「ミーガンはチャッキーとは違うよw殺人鬼(の魂を宿した人形)ではないもの」と言ってるけど…殺人鬼みたいなもんだよ。チャイルドプレイ2019だってチャッキーはAI人形だし。なんか拘りあると思うけど容姿が違うだけで同じ…。 

この映画の謳い文句はジェームズ・ワン“SAW”“インシディアス”“死霊館”“マリグナント”の監督、ジェイソン・ブラムも多くの映画プロデューサー“ゲットアウト”等と言う。 監督は特に目立った活躍はないのか…謳い文句では出てこない。 





ただ今思えば、ケイディが最後まで飲み物をコースターに置かなかったのは水でやっつける‘伏線’だったのかな?と。 M3GAN2が早々に決まってるそうなのでそう言うわけで“ミーガン誕生編”は長いのかな。

 伏線は何個も散りばめられていたし上手い回収だった。ミーガン2だとミーガンは防水仕様になってるのでは無いかなと。 そういえば私は気付かなかったが少し疑問に思ってたのが、ミーガンとケイディ・ジェマが対決するシーンでミーガンはケイディの精神状態、不安度・信頼度を計測してまだミーガン自身に信頼があると思わせてケイディは攻撃したがどうやったのか?ミーガンの誤情報だったかと思ったが!夫が細かく見てたところによると、ケイディは信頼してきた“ジェマを見てた”から信頼度が上がっていた…それをミーガンは自身への信頼と誤認しただけらしい。

 よくそんな細かい点に気付いたな!夫よ!と驚いてしまった。 後、驚きのシーンでは高圧洗浄機で人を殺せるのか?の点だが犬同様、隣の住人への描写はなかったが。もしかしたら、穴という穴から水を…いや、1番空いてる口から致死量の水(致死量の水ってどんなんだ)を飲ませたのかもしれない。浴びせたと言う表現かもだけど。

 そう言う訳できっと、身体が耐えきれず…臓器が破れお尻の穴まで貫通し身体の神経も切れ鼓膜も破れて水で死んだのかなと推測する。 犬はどうヤッたのか知らないけど、そこまで画面で表現してしまえばおそらくR指定だ…。








Nine-year-old Kady is on a ski trip with her parents driving in the snowy mountains in the winter. Kady (Violet McGraw) is playing with an AI robot given to her by Gemma (Allison Williams), an old lady who works at a toy company, in the back seat while operating a tablet device with “Pez”, which looks like a pet animal. 

The car is rickety in the pretty snowy mountains… Dad doesn’t have chains on the tires, and mom blames him for that. A mother who has poor visibility and stops the car and waits for the snowplow. “The road is too bad, it’s dangerous to drop Cady’s tablet on the floor.” As expected, my father also stopped the car.

A mother who told Cady, who is obsessed with Petz, that the time limit is 30 minutes. The parents were arguing in the parked car, and the big lights of the snowplow lit up in front of them.

Her mother’s aunt, Gemma, worked for a toy manufacturer and was a developer who was busy thinking about further renewals after selling a product that surpassed “Pez” at a low price to other companies. I decided to take in Cady, but… I also lost my sister, and soon after being overwhelmed with grief, I welcomed Cady into my house, whose physical wounds had not yet healed.

The neighbor’s dog roams freely, and the fence at Gemma’s house is broken and hasn’t been fixed. The lady next door who flushes the dog’s excrement with a pressure washer to Gemma’s side. Gemma warns her, but the neighbor’s aunt comes over even though the fence hasn’t been fixed.

When I returned to Gemma’s house, the AI opened the door to security and the terminal greeted me, reading out the number of emails I received today. Cady, who has completely lost his expression, says that there are no toys for Cady to play with at home, but Jama’s living room has a collection of toys displayed on the shelf in Jama’s living room.

However, Kady asked me to read a book to her before she went to bed, and she said she didn’t have any children’s books, so I downloaded the children’s book to my smartphone. In the middle of the night, Jamma is busy with programming, but he hears Cady crying from the bedroom.

The next day, at breakfast, Gemma tells Cady that she wants to be with him, but that she’s at the mercy of a project at the company, and wants Cady to play with her tablet if possible. Kady immediately asks about the time limit, but Gemma mysteriously replies, “There is no time limit.” 

I went to the company and found that I was working on making dolls other than “Pez”, and when I received the face of a doll that I invested a lot of money in for it, I picked up the surface of the face with the skin with my friends. A doll secretly made on the wall… but for a moment, CEO David (Ronnie Chen) enters the basement development room.

 Only the security of the development site is separate, and he is angry that security is not opened even though he is the CEO. What did David see when he saw suspicious behavior and a large doll? He says

Gemma’s co-workers Cole (male) and Tess (female), who can’t be deceived, also give up and talk about an AI doll that surpasses “Pez” under development. “How do you make an expensive product that you can’t afford?” During the presentation to David who thinks that, the three of them heated up with “M3GAN (Megan)” during development. end in failure.

Tess is worried about Gemma herself, who has just lost her sister and her husband. Gemma never shows her tears and is all about development, but she has called a therapist for Kady at home. However, the therapist revealed that he was in a position to judge whether Gemma was truly a suitable person to adopt.

In fact, it seems that her older sister’s husband’s parents are also nominated to take over Kady. Gemma agrees to receive therapy for the time being, even though she didn’t have a good impression of her sister’s husband. Kady also tells him that he didn’t go to school at his parents’ house, and he’s learning at home. 

For the therapy, which usually observes the two people for the first time, the two are not in a good mood and Gemma seems to want to go to work immediately, but she stops and becomes the subject of the therapist’s observation for 30 minutes. 

While Gemma was having various problems, she was still thinking about the Pez design for the project in the middle of the night. Then, Kady wakes up and Gemma hesitates a little, but invites him into a room that looks like a laboratory and asks Kady about Pez’s design proposal. 

As I listened carefully to Kady’s ideas from a child’s perspective, Kady showed interest in the large robot in the room. If it’s a robot I made for my school’s graduation work, I’ll move a large robot with a remote arm and greet you with a goo.

Cady reveals that it would be nice if the robot he said was Petz, and Gemma’s idea solidified at once. It arrives and Megan, packed with ideas, is fully activated…! Megan is introduced to Kady and registered with Kady. 

Was CEO David still researching Megan?! I think so, but I’m surprised to see the two in the child room through the glass with Megan and Kady… perfect robot! It seems to learn and sell with AI! and. He tells Gemma and the others not to leak the information to the outside, and test it until it is shown to the investors and make it perfect.

He tells Gemma that he doesn’t need a lawyer to sign the contract, and Gemma takes Megan home and starts living with Cady. Megan learns from AI and becomes smarter, but she may not understand the concept of ‘death’. Unaware of such a rainy season, Cady did not go to school and stayed at home learning from Megan and playing Indians alone.

Megan watches through the glass with a bow and shoots a rubber arrow at her. Megan analyzes the arrow and reaches out to pick it up in the garden next door through the broken wall. The dog next door bites Megan, and when Kady calls Gemma’s name, Gemma wakes up and jumps out of the bedroom. Megan with ragged hair. He gets angry when he tells Aunt Celia next door to tie up the dog. 

Luckily, Megan was fine, but that night, the dog heard Celia calling through the fence of Gemma’s house and approached Gemma’s fence. Celia wasn’t there, and only the dog’s voice resounded softly… 

The next morning, a policeman visits Celia and keeps her distance. Gemma, who doesn’t know what’s going on, asks her to do something about the dog, but the police explain that the dog is gone. Celia suspects Gemma, and there are two girls in the house, but one is always by the window at night! yells. 

Gemma tells the police that she has only one child and that she doesn’t know about dogs. The police stop and close the door. Even after that, Celia didn’t show up until night with a whistle and dog food… 

That night, when Celia walks in search of her dog again, she hears her dog’s voice from her barn-like hut. The hut doesn’t turn on so much, but Celia looks for it with the help of a small light. Megan stood behind me and suddenly attacked me. At a speed that can’t catch up with the screaming Celia, Megan manually pumps the air into the high-pressure washer and sprays it with maximum power. 

The next morning, the police come to Gemma’s house again and tell Gemma, “I haven’t seen the dog.” No, Gemma sees the body being taken out of Celia’s house before the police officer says no. Gemma asks what to do with the presentation, although Cady’s mental state is not good after various encounters. Megan and Kady’s presentation unexpectedly impresses investors and is a success. 

On the other hand, Gemma, who has a vague sense of dependence on Megan, is asked by a counselor if she knows anything like rubbing therapy, and Gemma tries to distance herself from Megan. I will go to Kady for recreation at a free school. 

However, Cady does not allow Megan to be separated from her, and since she is furious, she is allowed to leave her as a doll in her belongings storage area. Children who don’t go to school or have problems say that they don’t want to team up with boys who are violent and hunt mushrooms… and they are teamed up with Cady. Gemma is talking to the mother and preparing a snack. The mushroom hunt starts, but… the boy is mean and takes Megan out of the storage area. 

Kady calls Gemma out and notices the screams. In the complex forest, the boy carrying Megan talks to Megan, who pretends not to move. 

Then Megan is standing behind her, and she talks vaguely about the incident to Megan, but she evades that there is no data to say so. Gemma is a sub-line, but Kady has the authority to access the main line… Gemma is frightened, but calmly turns off the power supply at the neck while making her look after her eyes, saying, “Megan, look at the pen.” Gemma….

Cady pesters Megan even though Gemma has broken down while packing Megan and transporting her to the office. Gemma tells Kady that it’s not just Kady who’s hurt… Gemma is also hurt by the loss of her sister and her husband. The two finally seemed to be able to have a family conversation.

A dark cloud hangs over CEO David, who will soon host Megan’s official presentation. The two search for the items they learned from Gemma’s suggestion, who had told Cole and Tess about the situation. I knew I was learning a lot, but my PC crashed… If Megan doesn’t turn on on her own, the two try to remove all of Megan’s switches, but… 

Meanwhile, Cady and Gemma decided not to go home and attend the presentation. Gemma drives the car and leaves the office. At the company where preparations for Megan’s presentation are steadily progressing, Megan rampages in the development room in the basement and meets David while heading upstairs… When Megan suddenly appears in the hallway, doing a bizarre dance, with a copy cutting blade in her hand, she panics. 

Will they all be able to survive?

American Movie『M3GAN』Review

What can I say, it’s a horror where you can see the punchline? I thought for a long time. Like Chucky (Child’s Play), I’m sure I can beat him. It seemed like such a punchline, but… In the pamphlet, producer James Wan says, “Megan is different from Chucky. He’s not a murderer (a doll with the soul of a murderer),” but… he’s like a murderer. Chucky is an AI doll in Child’s Play 2019. I think there’s something about it, but it’s the same, just different in appearance… 

The slogan of this movie is James Wan, the director of “SAW”, “Insidious”, “The Conjuring”, “Malignant”, and Jason Blum, who is also a film producer, says “Get Out”. The director doesn’t have any outstanding performances… it doesn’t come out as a slogan. 

Such a beautiful AI girl Megan was created by them, but the biggest surprise is the terrifying physical ability of Amy Donald, the middle child who wears Megan’s face! This girl is a convincing dance because she is a winner of the dance competition! Ah, but the strange dance that appears in the commercial appears at the climax lol.

By that time, Megan had become Megan… some people said it felt like it was quite a long time before she appeared in front of Cady as a finished product… Well, many horror movies are 90 minutes. On the other hand, Megan is 102 minutes, so some people felt that it was quite long… My husband has seen a lot of horror movies and said so.

Speaking of whether it wasn’t interesting, no… it’s interesting, clear and easy to understand. Above all, it’s rated PG12 (Advice and Guidance by Adult Guardians), not R-rated at all, because it has a lot of harsh scenes (?).

Now that I think about it, Kady didn’t put the drink on the coaster until the end. and. It seems that M3GAN2 will be decided soon, so I wonder if “Megan’s Birth” will be long.

There were many foreshadowings scattered about, and it was a good collection. I wonder if Megan is waterproof in Megan 2. Come to think of it, I didn’t realize it, but in the scene where Megan and Cady Gemma confront each other, Megan measures Cady’s mental state, anxiety, and trust, and still trusts Megan himself. Cady attacked, but how did he do it? I thought it was Megan’s misinformation! According to her husband’s detailed observation, Kady’s trust level had increased because she had been “looking at Gemma”, which she had trusted.

“How did you notice such details!” Husband! I was surprised. “Then, in the surprise scene, can you kill someone with a high-pressure washer?” However, like the dog, there was no depiction of the next resident. Possibly, the water from the hole called the hole… No, it might have been a lethal amount of water (what is a lethal amount of water?) from the most open mouth. It might be an expression to say that it was showered.

Because of that, I’m sure my body couldn’t stand it… I guess that my organs were torn and penetrated all the way to my buttocks, my body’s nerves were cut, my eardrum was torn, and I died from the water. “I don’t know how the dog did it, but if it’s expressed on screen like that, it’s probably rated R…”

  When I drew fan art, I was motivated, so I think the visuals are mainly fashionable. Like producer James Wan’s “Malignant”, horror villains these days… villains may be fashionable and cool, right? It is designed to say so. I can’t deny that Annabelle and Chucky have an old-fashioned feel… in terms of design.

