


2019 年末、レンタル鑑賞。2019 年の最後を締めくくる作品になってしまった。 面白くて早速、今年明けて、旦那さんがレンタルしてきてくれた。 早速、年始から仕事で6連勤中のスケジュールの中を縫って、鑑賞したぞ!

 まず、前作のヒロインの休息を邪魔する1つライアンが、今回の主人公? 前回の主人公テレサことツリーが、タイムループを経て、恋人のカーターといちゃついてる部屋へ向かうシーンから始まる。 初見の人は、きっと、中国人?が大学生でコイツが主人公か?と言う所から始まるだろう。 でも…この主人公と思われたライアン役フィー・ヴさんは、Wikipediaに出てないほど、正体がわからない。 それはさておき、前回同様、唐突に殺され、タイムループするライアン。

 ライアンは、悪い夢だとは思いながらも、同じ日を過ごしてる事に何となく分かり、ツリー達に説明。ツリーは、回想シーンを経て、協力を呼びかける。 だが…ライアンが主人公かと思われたが、まさかの!主人公交代!ヒロインはツリーに戻されるのだ!



オリジナルが死なないと、タイムループは閉じれない〜と、装置を起動。結果、その場の全員が気絶。 ツリーの誕生日から、繰り返してしまい、その世界には以前の場所では明かにない事が増える。違和感の中、失意に落ちてツリー。だが、自分の次元では母が亡くなっているが、この世界では母は生きていて…そのシーンにもう、ボロ泣き。

1で、散々ツリーの誕生日の苦い思い出の母が生きて2で出てくるとは! もう、その先は、殺人鬼を倒してバッドエンド(死のループ)を回避して、この次元で住んで良くね?と言う事が思い描ける。だが…だが!この次元では、恋人がカーターではない。 ツリーは、考える…。この次元を取るのか。

 この作品は、此方の思考回路を遮断する。次の手次の手を、推理する系の作品であれば、息を飲む展開だが、観客側に少し考える余裕がある。 だが、この作品は1から、想像が困難であった。不思議系な本当にファンタジーなお話しだ。


だが、タイムループするより、自殺して、理論だけツリーの記憶に乗っけていけば良い!と、提案が出る。 ツリーは、1では殺人者を殺す旅だが、どんどん狂っていくのも同様、奇行に走った。今回は、自殺を繰り返す際の奇行に走った。

 見つけ出す答え。恋人を取るか、母を取るか。最初は、母を取ったが、ループしていくうちに、母自体にも、苦しい想いを打ち明ける。母は、「辛い事を乗り越えるのが人間。そして、未来がある。」と教えてくれる。そのセリフにも、ボロ泣き。 辛い事を乗り越えて未来に懸ける…そんな簡単にはいかない人生。

だが、ツリーの母は、乗り越えたからこそ、口にしたんだ〜と言うセリフに痺れた。 そして、装置を起動。誰かも思い出せないのか、カーターは“君だれ?”とは言うけど、未来は作っていける!恋人にまたなれる!それは、母の死を乗り越えた者として、与えられた未来…と、エンドロール。処がドッコイ!この時点で映画館で見て席を立った人はアウトーー。!続き、あったよ!

 もー!今回も、面白かったぁ!ジュマンジの1→2の流れの様に、続きもので楽しい♪ 是非、オススメの作品。星5つ!

happy death day2U

happy death day Sequel

Rental appreciation at the end of 2019. It is the work that ends the end of 2019. It was interesting and promptly, my husband rented it at the beginning of this year. Immediately, I sewed the schedule of 6 consecutive work days from the beginning of the year and watched it!

First, is Ryan, one of the heroines, who disturbs the rest of the heroine of the previous work? Last time, Teresa, the main character, starts from a scene that goes through a time loop and heads to a room where he is flirting with his girlfriend Carter. Is the first person surely Chinese? Is a college student and this guy is the main character? It will start from that place. However … Fei-Vu, who played the role of Ryan, who was thought to be the protagonist, does not know his identity so much that he has not appeared on Wikipedia. Aside from that, Ryan who was suddenly killed and time looped as before.

Ryan thinks it’s a bad dream, but somehow realizes he’s spending the same day, and explains it to the trees. Tree calls for cooperation through a retrospective scene. But … I thought Ryan was the main character, but no way! Change of protagonist! The heroine is returned to the tree!

As with the previous time, although I have a time loop, I did not understand the cause ~ in this 2 is explained. If Happy Death Day is an introduction or a question, so to speak, 2 is a commentary. I thought that I could not talk about 1 without looking at 2. 1 is great with 1.

The heroine was in the experimental quantum reactor setup that Ryan and others made, though I thought the reason for the time loop was related to the heroine’s birthday. Ryan is also doing the time loop first, but there is another world Ryan due to dimensional distortion, and this time the criminal came to kill. If the original doesn’t die, the time loop cannot be closed, and the device is activated. As a result, everyone on the spot fainted. Since the tree’s birthday, it will be repeated, and there will be more things in the world that were not apparent in previous places. In a sense of discomfort, the tree fell into disappointment. However, my mother is dead in my own plane, but in this world, my mother is still alive. With 1, the mother of bitter memories of Tree’s birthday comes alive in 2! After that, defeat the killer and avoid the bad end (death loop) and live in this dimension, right? Can be imagined. But … but! In this dimension, the lover is not

This work interrupts our thought circuit. Next move If it is a work of reasoning, it will be a breathtaking development, but the audience can afford to think a little. However, from the beginning of this work, it was difficult to imagine. It’s a mysterious and truly fantasy story.

Eventually, I’ll stop the loop … I want the device to work’correctly ‘. However, it will take several weeks to complete the theory. In the meantime, I can predict that the tree will continue to be killed. And since you should not have the theory itself, it becomes a story that it returns to 0 when the time loop. However, rather than doing a time loop, it is better to commit suicide and keep the theory in memory of the tree! I get a suggestion. Tree was a trip to kill the murderer in 1, but as it went crazy, it ran strangely. This time, I ran into the strange behavior of repeating suicide

The answer to find out. Whether to take a lover or a mother. At first, I took my mother, but as I looped, I confid my painful feelings to myself. My mother tells me, “It’s human beings who can overcome difficult things, and there is a future.” I cried too much for that line. Overcoming painful things and struggling for the future … such a life that is not easy. However, Tree’s mother was paralyzed by the lines that she said because she got over it. Then, start the device. I wonder if anyone can remember, Carter says, “Who are you?”, But we can make the future! You can be your lover again! It is a future given to me as a person who has survived the death of my mother. That’s crazy! At this point, the person who stood in the movie theater was out. !! There was it!

Mow! This time was also fun! Like Jumanji's 1 → 2 flow, it is a fun and continuous ♪ Recommended work by all means. Five stars!

