冒頭、死霊館のダイジェスト。 時は遡り、1952年ルーマニア カルタ修道院。修道女が、廊下を渡り「本当にやるのですか?」ともう1人の修道女に尋ねる。 1人が何か、悪魔?のいる処に乗り込み、戦った様で、もう1人の修道女に十字架?を託す。
「悪魔に支配されないで」と言い放ったまま悪魔に引きずり込まれる。 託された修道女は、縄を手に持ち、“神よ…”と首に縄をかける。 近づいてくる悪魔…。修道女は、意を決して飛び降りる。 朝になり、3ヶ月毎に教会に配達をしに来た男が、自殺した修道女を見つける。
酷いありさまだ。 場所は移り、バチカン。 ある神父が司教からカルタ修道院の捜査を依頼される。‘修道女の自殺は罪だ’と。 渡航書と男子禁制かもしれぬと、修道女も同行でと。 ロンドンの病院にて、紹介の修道女を迎えに行くバーク神父。
ルーマニア。自殺した修道女の第一発見者フレンチは血の海の様な不吉な夢を見る。その元へ神父と修道女見習いアイリーン。 修道院に向かうと、戦争跡地が。村人は戦争時代の話しをしないし忌み嫌っている。亡くなった修道女は、配達を置く部屋に置いたとフレンチは言い、見に行くと横たわらせて寝かせた遺体が、座らせてあった。
フレンチは‘遺体が動いた’と言うが、死後硬直では?とバーク神父は言い、埋葬。埋葬の処にはベルがあり、疫病が流行った際、間違って埋葬した場合、墓の中からベルを鳴らすらしい(外国は土葬)。 いよいよ、修道院へ。 黒い影があり、修道院の長が話しかけてくる。 自殺の調査に来たバーク神父は調査させて欲しいと。
修道長は断ったが、断るとバチカンから強制的に大人数が後日押し掛けますよと言い、修道長は承諾。 夜通し礼拝するので、客間に泊まってくれたら翌日捜査を受けると話した。 フレンチは、修道院を後にし、帰るが、帰り道に修道女のゾンビに襲われる。
夜、眠っていたが急にラジオが鳴り、其れを見に行くと、ラジオは消え、「神父さん」と言われた物陰が外を走る。 外にはダニエルが…話しかけるとダニエルのゾンビが口から蛇を吐き、バークの足元へ。バーク神父は転ぶとその先に棺桶がある。棺桶に閉じ込められた神父。棺桶には‘バーク神父の墓’と書かれている。神父は棺桶の中から、ベルを鳴らす。
また、アイリーンも目が覚め、修道院の中を歩くと蝋燭が沢山あり、修道女達はいない。鏡を見るとアイリーンの後ろに修道女が。 だが、振り返ると‘居ない’。鏡に又映る悪魔!そして鏡は割れる。 外に出るアイリーンは沢山のベルの音を聞く。その中から、アイリーンの不思議な力で神父の棺桶を探し、墓を掘り起こす。
まず、何でふた手に別れたの?と思うけど、やたら広い修道院だからとしか言いようがない。 そして、アイリーンは修道女達と会う事が出来るがその後、バーク神父を探さないの?と思ったが、また夜の礼拝が始まると部屋に閉じ込められてしまう。
一方、バーク神父は、悪魔についての書物を見つけ読んでると修道長がいるが、悪魔が乗り移っていて襲ってくる。 何度となく、2人ともピンチがあるし、実は中に居た修道女達は?と思うが、やはりゾンビだった。 ピンチに駆けつけるのが、フレンチ。冒頭の修道院を守る為に自殺した修道女の持っていた鍵を手に、アイリーンは探ったり、こんな中でも修道女見習いから洗礼を受け、修道女になったり! 鍵の先には、“ジーザスクライシス”キリストの血が!
アイリーンの最後の攻撃も見事で、悪魔にキリストの血の入った瓶を握らせながらも、実は隠して浴びせて悪魔を封じるのに脱帽! 最後は、悪魔に操られてたゾンビの修道女達を埋葬し、めでたしめでたしがと思ったら、フレンチが悪魔と対面した時に、浴びせられた血で、フレンチ自体の体内に逆十字が入っていた!
もうね、見せかた!良かったよ。 途中、悪魔と戦うシーンで暗過ぎて何やってるかも分からないけど。 シスターが不思議な力を持っていて悪魔を退治するって設定も昔なら新しくなかったろう。良い。 面白かったです。 血みどろのシスターが見どころ☆
AmericanMovie『The Nun』STORY &REVIEW
At the beginning, a digest of the Reikan. The time goes back to the 1952 Romanian Karta Monastery. The nun crosses the corridor and asks the other nun, “Are you sure you want to do that?” What is one person, a devil? It seems that I got into the place where I was there and fought, and crossed to another nun? Entrust. It is dragged into the devil while saying, “Don’t be controlled by the devil.” The entrusted nun holds the rope in her hand and hangs the rope around her neck, saying “God…”. Devil approaching… The nun never jumps over. In the morning, a man who came to the church every three months found a nun who committed suicide. It’s terrible. The location has changed, Vatican. A priest is requested by the bishop to investigate the Karta Monastery. “Nun’s suicide is a crime.” Although it may be a travel book and boys prohibition, a nun will accompany. Fr. Burke goes to a hospital in London to pick up the nun.Romania. French discoverer of a nun who committed suicide has an ominous dream like a sea of blood. Before that, Father French and nun apprentice Irene. When you go to the monastery, there is a war site. Villagers don’t talk about war times and hate them. The deceased nun was placed in the delivery room, French said, and when he went to see it, the body lying down and lying down was seated. French says’the body has moved’, but is it rigid after death? Said Burke, and buried. There is a bell at the place of burial, and it seems that the bell will ring from the grave if the burial is mistaken and the burial is mistaken. Finally, to the monastery. There is a black shadow, and the head of the monastery speaks. Fr. Burke, who came to investigate suicide, wants me to investigate. The priest refused, but if he refused, the Vatican would force a large number of people to rush at a later date, and the priest consented. I said that since I worship all night long, if you stay in the guest room, you will be investigated the next day. French leaves the monastery and returns, but on the way back, a nun zombie attacks. At the monastery, he prepares to eat and hears about Eileen’s father Birke’s’continuation of his unusual research.’ In the past, when he enshrined an obsessed Daniel boy, he told him that he was seriously ill and died at a later date, and he asked himself if it was the correct answer. I was asleep at night, but suddenly the radio rang, and when I went to see it, the radio disappeared and the shade called “Father” runs outside. When Daniel talks to the outside, Daniel’s zombie spits out a snake from his mouth and reaches Bark’s feet. When Father Bourke falls, there is a casket in front of him. A priest trapped in a casket. The coffin reads “Fr. Burke’s grave”. The priest rings the bell from within the coffin. Also, Irene woke up and walked in the monastery with many candles and no nuns. In the mirror, there is a nun behind Irene. However, when I look back, I’m not there. The devil reflected in the mirror again! And the mirror breaks. Eileen goes out and hears a lot of bell sounds. Among them, Irene searches the coffin of the priest with mysterious power and digs up the tomb. Next morning, two people dressed up asking for a monastery. Dangerous, but split into two hands trying to find a monk. At that time, Eileen was entrusted with the key of the nun who died from Father Bourke, and she searched for a nun… First of all, why did you split the lid? I think, but I can only say that it is a huge monastery. And Irene can meet the nuns, but after that, why not look for Father Burke? I thought, but when the night worship started again, I was trapped in the room. On the other hand, Father Bourke finds and reads a book about the devil, and there is a monk, but the devil is attacking as he is transferred. Repeatedly, both of us have a pinch, and what are the nuns actually inside? I think it was a zombie. French is rushing to the pinch. With a key held by a nun who committed suicide to protect the monastery at the beginning, Irene explored, and even among these, she was baptized by a nun apprentice and became a nun! ”Beyond the key is the blood of “Jesus Crisis” Christ! Eileen’s last attack was wonderful as well, while letting the devil hold the bottle containing the blood of Christ, in fact, hide it and take off the hat to seal the devil! At the end, I buried the zombie nuns who were being manipulated by the devil, and when I thought that it was a pleasure, I thought that when French faced the devil, the blood that was bathed in it had an inverted cross inside the French body. !!Here, the lecture, which is common with the digest of the “Seireikan” at the beginning, started by showing the images of when Mr. and Mrs. Warren returned to their parents’ farm and suppressed their sudden changes. Alright, how to show! It was good. On the way, I’m too dark in the scene of fighting the devil, so I don’t know what I’m doing. The setting that Sister has a mysterious power to exterminate the devil would not have been new in the past. good. It was interesting. 2018 work.