映画『THE DARE -理由なき監禁-』(ネタバレ)感想




私がレンタルしてたら、タイトルのジャケット読めば書いてあったのだが…。 この度、感想を書こうと思って‘ザ・ディアー’又は‘the Dear’で検索しても、まぁ出てこない出てこない。 




 娘が叫び、娘が何者かに?と、思い娘の隠れている処に手を伸ばすと…ゴトッ!ジェイは鈍い音と共に倒れる。 目覚めると施錠された部屋にいた………。

何故?と思う間もなく、手は手錠を付けられ、部屋に居る他の男と女も捕らえられてる。 「此処は何処だ?どうなってる?」と、声を荒らげるが、周りの人間は、”また知らない人間が来て騒いでいる“と話す。

軽薄そうな女、警備員の服装の男、口が縫われている瀕死の男………。 女は言う「此処はアイツの遊び場だ」ーと。 



ないと刺され、血を流された‘穢れてるモノが出ている’と洗脳の様に問いかける。 この物語の指す道は…何処に向かうのか?


  2020.08.19GEO先行レンタル作品。 近年アメリカ作品〜と言う事は、日本では未公開のsell、レンタル品のみか。 


ジェケット買いならぬジャケットレンタル。 あぁ、なんで借りたんだろう?B級映画でしょと言う内容だった。 謳い文句は“ソウ”を彷彿とさせれるストーリー。 あぁ、これで借りたのかな?と。 

監禁冒頭にしてジェイが地味に爪を剥がしてしまうシーンからして痛い。 次に肉を取り合うシーンだが、豚の顔を被った監禁執行人は何処からその肉を手に入れてるのか? 


この物語は、ジェイを含む4人の男女が監禁されてる部屋(狭い、薄暗い、手錠で監禁、小窓から食事を投げ込む、部屋の中心?にバケツ<トイレ?水飲み場?詳しい描写はない>)と、拉致された少年ドミニクと農夫の暮らし(場面は明るい、いつも大体昼の明るい様な2人の暮らし、庭 もしくは、豚の解体の薄暗い場所、夜家の外の暗さの場面)の2部構成だ。

 何故…?普通に考えれば、豚の顔のマスクを被っている犯人が農夫で同一人物なのかと想像出来る。 だが、やはり時系列が合ってるのか?と疑問に思う。 兎に角、この作品、その監禁部屋と少年を監禁した表の家に画面がコロコロ切り替わる。そう言う作品に慣れない人は、疲れるだろう。 



その際、ジェイは最初は執行人をアタックし、逃げようとするが、やはり、扉の外の又奥の扉や部屋は頑丈だ。故に又、捕まり、部屋に戻される。 そして、連帯責任による、他の男女からの攻撃。執行人に釘と金槌を渡され手を壁に張りつけろと言われる。ジェイの前の動ける2人は、互いにも執行人に言われるまま、傷付けるし、ジェイも両手をイエスキリストの様に壁に釘で打たれた。 ’その拷問を互いにしなければ自分がやられるー‘を執行人のDVにより洗脳されてるのが分かる。ジェイは来たばかりで普通の感覚に対し、先に居たであろう男女共に調教されている。 



一方、ドミニクは、血を流す事によっての穢れを払うと、腕や身体を刺され血が流れる。後は、豚の解体。 其れが、2つの点と点の部屋が、繋がる時が来る…。


ドミニクは、農夫を殺し、この家を得る。 ジェイが思い出したのは、過去、同じ様に男女4人で夜に森で肝試しの様ねな話しをしていると、其処に少年がやってくる。


謝ったが許される訳がない。何故なら、怖いと言われている殺人鬼が住む様な森の奥の家に置いてきた…其れが、ドミニク少年だからだ。 そう、イカれた農夫と少年ドミニクは、’過去の‘ソレ、執行人ドミニクの姿だったんだ。


逃げようとした男女達を倒していく…。 最後は、ジェイは逃げられるが…続きがあった。と言うB級映画ならではのオチ。 

たださ、監禁、拷問の気持ち悪さは、『ムカデ人間』くらいの気が狂ってるやり方だ。ムカデ人間は、1番狂ってるけど。 あと、副題の“理由なき監禁”は、理由無い訳じゃ無い。


拷問シーンも納得いかないのが、目に虫入れられて、ジェイは「取ってくれ!」と目をとるけど、取らなくて良い。 目って、例えばコンタクト入れたら裏側に回るケド、涙を出したりしながら表に戻ってくる要領で、我慢さえ出来れば、目の裏側に虫が回ったとしても、出てくる可能性がある。 


虫はちなみに全部、ゴキブリっぽい?目はミミズ、口はコウロギだったかも。 拷問部屋が暗すぎて解んないけど。 ゴキブリも目や口や耳に入れられるサイズだったら、取り出せる可能性はあるのでは?と思いながら見ていた。 

確かにジェイみたいに、目にゴキが居て、冷静を保っていられないから目を取り出せと言うのは分かるんだけど。 だったら気絶させてもらい、誰かに取ってもらうか自然に出る迄待つと取れそうだなと考えた。


ホラーをそんなに…旦那さんほど見てない私は、この作品、星2です。星1のホラーでB級映画は『F』とかのオチがある様で無い犯人解決しない系が1だと思ってるから。 此れは犯人分かり、倒し、でも捕まってないから続くのか?と言う終わりかたで、納得はしないけど。怖さで星2にします。


 The Dare【製作国】ブルガリア、アメリカ、イギリス 【ジャンル】ホラー 【監督】ジャイルズ・アンダーソン 【出演】バード・エドワーズ、リチャード・ブレイク、リチャード・ショート、アレクサンドラ・エヴァンス、ロバート・マーサー (参考→フィルマークス) 2019 年作品

年齢制限ありのCMなので、18禁?16禁? 時系列で言えばCM見ると分かり易いかも………

◯イジメられたら、やり返す!「1000倍返しだ!」とは言わないけど、いじめっこを見つけて、皆へ復讐する話し。 復讐劇って、実際にもあるし、子供だからといって、やってはいけない事は、親や周りの大人が教育しないと、殺すしか無いんだろうね。 報復劇だけど、シッペ返しは、当然の報いなのかもしれない。

『THE DARE』story

Jay has a beloved wife and two daughters. I was living happy days. It was a heartwarming and fun family … Daughter shouted, who was she? And when I reach out to the place where my daughter is hiding … Goto! Jay collapses with a dull sound. When I woke up, I was in a locked room …………. why? Soon after, his hands were handcuffed and the other men and women in the room were captured. “Where is this place? What’s going on?”, But the people around me say, “A stranger is coming and making noise.” A frivolous woman, a man dressed as a guard, a dying man with a sewn mouth ………. The woman said, “This is his playground.” The electricity in the dim room was flickering, the electricity was turned off once, and the man who appeared from the door was the skin of a beast … A man wearing a pig’s face entered the room. Is it the beginning of a horror party …? Also, a scene where a boy named Dominique was abducted and confined by a farmer … Is the criminal the same? The farmer loves and raises Dominique with his distorted affection. Dominique does the wrong thing, he is stabbed if he doesn’t like the farmer, and he asks like a brainwash, “There is something dirty” that was shed blood. The way this story points is … where are you going?


2020.08.19 GEO advance rental work. The 2019 American work ~ is only sell and rental items that have not been released in Japan. Since there is only GEO in my neighborhood (if you go to the next station, there is TSUTAYA, or TSUTAYA online is connected to TV, but I removed it for d animation), my horror-loving husband also found it. Jacket rental without buying a jacket. Ah, why did you borrow it? The content was that it was a B-class movie. The singing phrase is a story reminiscent of “Saw”. Ah, did you borrow this? When.

It hurts from the scene where Jay peels off his nails at the beginning of confinement. Next is the scene of fighting for meat, but where does the captive executor wearing the face of a pig get the meat? The scene changes and the farmer abducts a boy named Dominique, confine it, and raises it with distorted love. There is a scene where the animal’s pork is torn apart, so I can imagine that, but the sobbing runs. In such a depiction. This story tells the story of a room where four men and women, including Jay, are confined (narrow, dim, handcuffed, throwing food through a small window, a bucket in the center of the room? ) And the life of the abducted boy Dominique and the farmer (the scene is bright, the life of two people who are always bright in the daytime, the garden or the dim place of dismantling the pig, the scene of the darkness outside the house at night) 2 It’s a departmental structure. Why …? If you think about it normally, you can imagine that the criminal wearing the pig’s face mask is the same farmer. However, is the time series correct? I wonder. Rabbit horns, this work, its confinement room and the front house where the boy was confined, the screen switches. Those who are not accustomed to such works will get tired.

Jay always tries to escape, even though the men and women around him stop. Face to face with the executor. The executor unlocks the handcuffs of the person holding the weapon in order to hurt both men and women. At that time, Jay attacks the executor at first and tries to escape, but after all, the door and the room in the back outside the door are sturdy. Therefore, he is also caught and returned to the room. And attacks from other men and women due to collective responsibility. The executor gives him a nail and a mallet and asks him to stick his hand to the wall. The two moving men in front of Jay hurt each other as the executor told them, and Jay also nailed his hands to the wall like Jesus Christ. It can be seen that the executor’s DV has brainwashed ‘I can do it if I do not do the torture with each other’. Jay has just arrived and is being trained by both men and women who would have been there earlier for the normal feeling. On the other hand, the abducted boy Dominique was also hugged after being hurt by a farmer and planted with the wrong love. Dominique has tried to escape, but when he leaves the house, he hears a farmer or someone saying, “You really aren’t loved (by your family).” Dominique is also trained by brainwashing.

No matter how terrible the abuse is, in the confinement room, rather than the assault of kicking and beating, it is struck, the insect is swallowed in the mouth, the insect is put in the eye, etc. On the other hand, Dominique is stabbed in his arm and body and blood flows when he removes the dirt by shedding blood. The rest is the dismantling of the pig. It’s time to connect the two dots and the room of the dots … Are you a different person? I thought, but Dominique changed from a boy to a young man? Also, in the confinement room, Jay recalls that the same abuse was somewhere. Dominique kills the farmer and gets this house. Jay remembered that in the past, four men and women were talking about something like a test of courage in the forest at night, and a boy came there. It is said that a boy who cannot do well with his family will be included in the group, but like a ritual, he is struck by his hands, eats insects, and hears insects … Yes, the same situation as in the confinement room. That’s it! “Apologize,” says Jay, saying that the child he met in his old childhood was the culprit. I apologized, but there is no reason to be forgiven. Because I left it in a house in the back of the forest where a scary murderer lives … because it’s a Dominique boy. Yes, the crazy farmer and the boy Dominique were in the form of’past’, the executor Dominique.

There is no way to solve it when the point is reached. Dominique, who was disciplined by a crazy loving farmer when everyone worked together to escape, has a history of building muscle and killing the farmer. Defeat the men and women who tried to escape … At the end, Jay escaped, but … there was a continuation. The punch line unique to B-class movies. However, the unpleasant feelings of confinement and torture are as crazy as “The Human Centipede”. The Human Centipede is the most crazy. Also, the subtitle “confinement without reason” is not without reason. You can get four men and women together in the past Dominique’s revenge. Why did you give it such a subtitle, Japanese version ………. I’m not convinced of the torture scene, but when I got a bug in my eyes, Jay said, “Take it!”, But you don’t have to. For example, if you make a contact, the eyes will turn to the back side, and you will come back to the front side while tearing, and if you can put up with it, even if the insects turn to the back side of the eyes, they may come out. .. For example, the insects that were put in were like longhorn beetles? If you have teeth (if there are sharp or cut parts) and the part with the eyeball is cut, you will lose your eyes after all. By the way, are all the insects like cockroaches? The eyes were earthworms and the mouth was crickets. The torture room was too dark to understand. If the cockroaches are of a size that can be put in the eyes, mouth or ears, is there a possibility that they can be taken out? I was watching while thinking. It’s true that like Jay, there are cockroaches in his eyes and he can’t keep his cool, so I understand that he should take his eyes out. If so, I fainted and thought that it would be possible to get it if someone took it or waited until it came out naturally.For the time being, Jay was saved. It’s a fucking movie! Psychological, thriller and suspense horror movies. I haven’t seen horror so much … as much as my husband, this work is star 2. It’s a horror with 1 star, and B-class movies don’t seem to have punch lines such as “F” because I think that the system that does not solve the criminal is 1. I understand the criminal, defeat it, but I haven’t been caught, so will it continue? I’m not convinced by the end. I will make it 2 stars because of fear.

