個人的に、映画館で働く者として、エンドロールの手前から、扉の開閉の為に、チェックに入ってたら、ハッピーエンドだと思ってました!が、長く感違いしてた私が恥ずかしい(>_<)!!!これは、’悲劇’なのだ!と。 同時に、’希望’でもありますが。
も~!全てミュージカル! そして、最初の辺りのアン・ハサウェイの長回しの美声に聴き惚れ、そして、悲劇にボロ泣き! もう、彼女の生きてきた、夢と希望で、待ち焦がれてた恋の唄が、切なくも悲しい。
女性なら、1度は、経験する、片思いと報われない想い。それを、あえて好きだから、彼女は、彼に全てを打ち明けます。 黙っていれば、自分が得たかもしれない、彼の腕の中。 でも、恋が戦いの中で、希望であり、救いであり、真実だったのでしょう。 そして、彼の為に、一緒に戦います。
また、最後のフランスを革命したいと言う、’夢と希望’の唄が、劇場内に響く時、嗚咽も出る程、抑えられない、大量の涙が押し寄せ、やるせなさや、平和への願いと共に、頬を次から次へと押し寄せてきます。 とにかく、長時間の間に、何度泣くか、解りません。
そして、今もフランスの情勢が、良くない事。 日本だってね、大変な時ですけど。色々、気になります。たかだか、200年前の話し。されど、200年しか経ってない話しですね。 あんまり、全国民が豊かだとか、成長はしてない気がします。
MOVIE『Les Misérables』(2012)Impressions
British American collaboration MOVIE
If it was included in a check for opening and shutting of a door from front of the end roll as the person who works at a movie theater personally, I thought it was a happy ending! But I who made the sense difference long am embarrassed!
This is’ tragedy’ for this chapter!. At the same time, it’s also’ request’.
All musicals! I hear in a beautiful voice of chief turning of Anne Hathaway in the first vicinity and fall in love and, in tragedy, ragged cry! The dream through which she has already lived and a song in love to which I looked forward by a request are also regrettable painfully. Sean who cuts hair of the role of the girl friend who goes (It’s cut.) falls by the previous scene, and is realistic, and I hold my breath in the acting ability of the bean jam.
A song of the love to which EPONINU which brings one-sided feelings near doesn’t pay off rather than a rival in love of KOZETTO in a middle stage-is clear in a heart. The thought that the once doesn’t pay off to a lady with experienced one-sided love. Because it’s mixed, and likes that, she confesses everything for him. While it’s his arm maybe one got when I’m silent. But love would be a request, be help and be true in the war. And I fight against his purpose together.
During a scattering soul, the condition and she with a flushed heart get to sleep surely in his arm at the end.
The child who has the Han intension with a decision that a child plays an active part and follows an adult desperately until the end, cruelly, damaged Sean. A great deal of tears which aren’t suppressed surge so that a sob also goes out when the song of’ dream and request’ to which I say that I’d like to revolutionize last France sounds in the theater, a cheek as well as dreariness and a wish to Heiwa, I’m surging to the next from the next. Anyway I don’t know how many times to cry between the long time.
The thing to which the situation of France isn’t preferred and and now. It’s when even Japan is serious. Variously, I’m interested. Speaking by which it’s 200 years before whether it’s TA or. However it’s speaking from which only 200 years have passed, isn’t it? I think the whole nation doesn’t be being abundant and be growing so much.