美しき戦士未来へ走る 銃夢の実写映画『アリータ:バトル・エンジェル』感想






 3Dで久々に見たけど、迫力。目は疲れるけど。 何より、原作の冒頭をまぁ忠実にしてくれた。



 脚本は、『アバター』などでおなじみ、ジェームズ・キャメロン。 “アバター”を思えば、今回のバトルエンジェルは、まぁ、フルCG宜しくだし、脚本だけど、似てる感はある。 監督は、ゾンビ映画大好き!なロバート・ロドリゲス。スパイキッズや、シンシティの監督らしい。 まだ、映画界だと若いのかな。

まぁ、思うところはある作品なものの、私は好きだな。原作と違い、単体で観ると。 続編が出来そうな感じ。

ほんと、漫画は履修してはいないものの、何冊か読んだ感じだと、映画のアリータなんて名前じゃ無いよ!映画のイメージじゃにいよ!とは思うけど。 映画は映画で。アリータと言う事で!面白さもアクションも良きで、星3.5。 ★★★
アリータ:バトル・エンジェル [AmazonDVDコレクション] [Blu-ray]

銃夢 全9巻完結セット (ヤングジャンプコミックス) [マーケットプレイスセット]

Alita: Battle Angel Review

Alita, I’ve seen it.

I read the original manga up to volumes 1 to 3.

First of all, why did you change the name from the original?

Gali is Gali~.

And if you read all the manga, it may come out, but the partner is………???

Ido is also different from the image.

But I went to see it yesterday, and it was a perfect work for a rainy day.

I haven’t seen it in 3D in a long time, but it’s powerful. My eyes are tired though.

Above all, he was faithful to the beginning of the original.

It’s a cuter image, and the eyes are too big, but I got used to it when I looked at it.

It’s interesting, but I wonder if fans of the original work are satisfied with this…

The director is carefully making a broken android scene, so I think he must be a polite person, and after all, he is the one who made the avatar, and the world that no one has ever seen is spreading.

The screenplay is James Cameron, who is familiar with “Avatar” and so on. If you think of “Avatar”, this Battle Angel, well, is full CG, and it’s a script, but it feels similar. The director loves zombie movies! Robert Rodriguez. It seems to be the director of Spy Kids and Shin City. I wonder if he is still young in the film industry.

Well, although there is a work that I think about, I like it. Unlike the original, if you watch it alone. It feels like a sequel can be made. Really, although I haven’t taken the manga, if I feel like I’ve read a few books, it’s not the name of the movie Alita! It’s the image of a movie! I think so. The movie is a movie. It’s called Alita! Good fun and action

銃夢 Last Order New Edition コミック 全12巻完結セット (KCデラックス)〈English〉




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