保護猫活動の旨を、ボヘミアン〜の映画が騒がれた時に知ったから、どんなに猫がわんさか出てくる映画かな?と思ったけど、実際は、わんさかは出てこなかったし、保護猫の事に触れてなかったね。 あぁ…。触れると長くなるものね、話しが。
映画に合うタコス Amazon全商品検索⭐︎フレディと猫については、『大の猫好きフレディマーキュリー』(ディリィニュース)の記事も参考にしてみて欲しい。
『Bohemian Rhapsody』Movie review
2018year Movie. The Bohemian rhapsody checked finally.
By all means wasn’t it seen so far? To the extent it was regretted.
The nice world spread.
All and music! Wonderful of its construction and.
All and music! Wonderful of its construction and. The pleasure and wildness with which music is made at a musical studio.
Music gives me hope with a thing as well as the one of wonderful and the courage.
And I cried 3 times.
And a sweetheart, Sean who parts, a father and reconciled Sean are singing WE ARE THE CHAMPION.
Because I live strenuously surely… when a serious person sees,…,… should shed tears.
Yes, WE ARE THE CHA MPION is a cheering song. ..
I was the last scene, the best! After all, if there is a feud with a parent, everyone will see it, remember it, and cry. Besides, if you’ve fallen in love, the farewell scene is painful. cry
At the end, I worked hard and lived hard. He repeats various small sins. However, if there is something that has been working hard, I will remember the way I came and cry.
By the way, the role of Freddie, quite a bit, is directed by the protruding teeth … Freddie may not have that protruding teeth …
I was alive at that time, but I was still young at the time of the epidemic, but I know Queen is famous, and Freddie knows that it’s not such a big tooth, right? !!
I later found out that Freddie was a protected cat and had a lot of cats … or maybe Twitter? It flowed in the tweet of. A heartwarming story.
The appearance of Mecha cats along with the knocking music at the beginning shows that Freddie was already famous for Queen and had enough financial resources to keep a lot of protected cats. After that, I will look back on the birth of Queen.
I learned about the activity of protected cats when the bohemian movie made a noise, so I wonder how many cats will come out.
I learned about the activity of protected cats when the bohemian movie made a noise, so I wonder how many cats will come out.
But really! The cat is cute! Freddie seems to be cute when he touches a cat, so I wanted him to put in a lot of such scenes! It’s because I’m away from the birth of the main “Queen” …
Even if it’s not a cat, it’s 100% fun and entertaining, and anyone can enjoy it!

その他おススメ音楽映画→2007年映画『4分間のピアニスト』感想 絶対に後悔しない!?お勧め音楽作品