2017年作品。岡田准一主演映画。 …小栗旬とW主演と書いても良さそうだが…?そんな2人の共演作。
今回、見たのは特殊な場所でした。常連のお客さん宅で拝見しました。いや、仕事中に2時間流れてただけといったらそうなんですが。一緒に座って見たわけでは無いです。 仲良いと言うか付き合い長くなったお客さんですが、いつもワイスピみたいなアクション系を好んでるかたです。
暗い作品でしたが、個人的にはツボなシーンもあったので、さっそく、あらすじと感想を書いていきましょう…。 ちなみにウィキペディアで調べたら、同年に洋画で似たタイトルの“追想”もあるのでややこしいですよね。
しかし涼子のかつての恋人、貴船(ヤクザ?チンピラ?)が現れそのささやかな幸せな生活は崩壊する…。少年達は貴船を殺す計画を立て、刺す。 涼子はその凶器を取り上げ、貴船にトドメを刺し、「今起こった事は忘れて2度と会わない、これからは赤の他人として暮らすんだ」と。
翌日、富山の漁港で遺体が発見され、県警は怨恨と事件と事故の両面で調査する事に。 篤は死体を見て、珍しく吐き気がし先輩に心配される。その遺体こそ前日に篤が会った悟なのだ。 その事実を刑事ではあるが過去の事件もバレるかもという恐怖から篤は黙っている。
篤は調査する内に啓太を訪ね、金策をしていた悟が訪ねてきたろう?と問いただす。 悟の遺体の側には“あんどの里”と書かれた封筒が側の落ちていたと。 中は空ではあった、篤は慶太が悟にお金を渡していたのではと思って尋ねた。
啓太は新聞で悟の死は知っていたが素っ気ない。 篤は“あんどの里”を調べ向かうと、そこには車椅子の涼子と光男がいた。篤は影で見る事しか出来なかった。
篤は他の刑事の目を掻い潜り、啓太に接触。悟に会っていた事を問い詰める。 その時、啓太の妻が産気付き倒れる。3人は急いで医者の元へ。 監視に付いてた刑事は様子を見つつ、病院に着いて接触。篤の勝手な行動に激怒するが、そこに一本の電話がかかってくる…。

啓太の妻 真里こそ、涼子の子供で刑務所の中で産み、里子に出されていたのだ。啓太はその真理に仮の母親 涼子を感じて結婚したのかな…。 啓太は“ゆきわり草”の跡地に自分の家を建てるなど、かなり涼子との思い出に身を置いているよね。
少年3人共に、本当に仮の家族との思い出が糧になって生きてたんだよね。 悟は意外な犯人に殺されてしまったけども…。 この作品のテーマはミステリーを明かすよりは“家族”なんだね。ネタバレ感想と言いつつ、この犯人の考察だけは控えたい。
篤の妻だって、篤と別れたくて別居してるんじゃない…。それはさ、本当に子供ほしくて服まで買って…流れてしまって辛くて。篤の“役に立つ”事が子供だけかと誤認したのかな。 でも、本当に別居してるのに篤の母の為に、病院まで付き添うの偉い。
その実母だって、嫁が病院でずっと手を握ってくれてるのが本当に-有り難かったと言う。こう言う親も人間も実際に居るよね。 親は尚更、我が子可愛さに子供の伴侶に来てくれた嫁や旦那に余計な事を想うし、何なら言う。辛い。でもそれは子供を可愛いが為なのは解るけど。
よく和解する事を、“雪解け”の様に例えられるけど、その通りだと思う…。愛情表現が回り回って変に伝わったり、人の想像以上にに変な誤解を受ける事だってあるんだ。 その誤解が解けた時には、その人は側にはいないかも知れない。
愛情でも友情でも情は、ずっと依存してしまったり誤解を招く事もあり得ると思う。日本人てストレートじゃ無いから…。 でもオブラートに包むと伝わらなかったりもするけどね。
冒頭とちょいちょいしか出ない光男役の吉岡秀隆くん、ずっと“男はつらいよ”で満夫役で好きだから、今回同じ名前役だから脳がバグるな…。 でもいかにも良い人って感じよね、役柄も。人柄かな。
篤の母親役のりりぃさんてかたは、この作品を最後に作品の前年には亡くなっていたんだね…。 演技としては凄い上手いのでは。ダメ親を嫌味ったらしく演じている。 “湯を沸かすほどの熱い愛”にも出ていたんだね。
降旗康男監督は結構、任侠系描いてるからVシネ系なのかな…と思ったけど“ぽっぽや”も撮ってた。 色んなかたの遺作になってはしまったと思うけど、作品は残るから、女優さんりりぃさんや降旗監督のご冥福をお祈りしますと共に、この作品を遺してくれた感謝を申し上げたい。
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Japan Movie『tuioku(Reminiscence)』STORY
In the winter of 1992 on the Noto Peninsula, a boy who was abandoned by his parents, a boy who ran away from an institution, and a boy who ran away from home… three people go to the light meal café “Yukiwarisou” and run it with Ryoko Nishina (Sakura Ando), who runs the café, and a regular customer. He lived like a family with Mitsuo Yamagata (Hidetaka Yoshioka).
However, Ryoko’s former lover, Kibune (a yakuza?)The boys plan to kill Kibune and stab him. Ryoko picks up the weapon and kills Kibune, saying, “Forget what happened and never meet again. From now on, I’m going to live as a total stranger.”
25 years later, Satoru (Emoto Tasuku) became a son-in-law and became a glassmaker. Although he was a father who protected his daughter and wife, the management was strict and he worked all over the country. I was doing my best to feed my employees, but every day I was worried about my daughter because of my money policy.
Keita (Shun Oguri) is a construction worker in Toyama, and his wife is pregnant and just got a house.
Atsushi (Junichi Okada) has become a detective. A clumsy man who is married but does not get along with his wife (Masami Nagasawa). Every day he is asked for money by his real mother who seems to have abandoned Atsushi when he was young.
Atsushi and Satoru meet again by chance in Toyama, and while Satoru gets drunk and talks a little about how he’s making money, he drinks alcohol so as not to bring up dark topics and cheerfully says, “I’m glad I was able to meet Acchan again…”. talk. Atsushi is upset when he hears that Satoru has met Keita as well. On the way home, Atsushi gave him a few bills and parted.
The next day, a body was found at a fishing port in Toyama, and the prefectural police decided to investigate both the grudge, the incident, and the accident. When Atsushi sees the corpse, he feels unusually nauseous and is worried by his seniors. The corpse is Satoru whom Atsushi met the day before. Although he is a detective, Atsushi is silent about this fact for fear that the past incident may be exposed.
Atsushi visited Keita during his investigation, and Satoru, who was making money, came to visit, didn’t he? I ask. An envelope with “Andonosato” written on it was found near Satoru’s body. It was empty inside, Atsushi wondered if Keita had given money to Satoru and asked.
Keita knew about Satoru’s death in the newspaper, but he was blunt. When Atsushi went to investigate “Andonosato”, he found Ryoko and Mitsuo in wheelchairs there. Atsushi could only see in the shadows.
Atsushi heads to “Andonosato” again and talks to Mitsuo, who tells him that Ryoko had an accident three years ago and her memory is vague.
At that time, Keita was marked by the police and was under constant surveillance. Keita comes to mind from Satoru’s career history, and Keita withdraws from the bank the 4 million yen that he supposedly gave to Satoru was caught on the bank’s camera.
At that time, Keita was marked by the police and was under constant surveillance. Keita comes to mind from Satoru’s career history, and Keita withdraws from the bank the 4 million yen that he supposedly gave to Satoru was caught on the bank’s camera.
“The real culprit has been caught.”
Japan Movie『tuioku(Reminiscence)』review
In the main story, there were scenes where I couldn’t see the video because the movie was playing while I was working while watching or listening to it, but the scene where Junichi Okada, who plays the role of Atsushi, watches Mitsuo who has come to pick up Ryoko from the shadows. With an indescribable expression, it was funny that she looked like ‘a daughter-in-law looking at her mother-in-law from a distance and looking resentfully’.
By the way, it’s not like I’m terrified that I’ll find out that I was involved in the incidents of the boys in the past, but the scene where Ryoko says “I’m a stranger from now on” and breaks up with the boys who lived like a former family. Haha, we were strangers to begin with, but I thought that living like a family was like a ‘shoplifting family’.
No, the movie Shoplifters (2018) came after this one.
Keita’s wife, Mari, was Ryoko’s child, who was born in prison and put up for foster child. I wonder if Keita felt Ryoko’s temporary mother in that truth and got married… Keita built his own house on the site of the “Yukiwarisou”, and so on, and so on, he has a lot of memories with Ryoko.
Atsushi also went to see Ryoko, who had been watching from the shadows at first, and saw the setting sun. Ryoko, who should have no memories, hugged Atsushi and entrusted herself to him, because Atsushi also remembers that childhood memory for Ryoko.
“The three boys really lived on the memories of their temporary family.” “Satoru was killed by an unexpected criminal…” “The theme of this work is ‘family’ rather than revealing a mystery.” While saying spoiler impressions, I would like to refrain from speculating on this culprit.
A suspense and mystery movie is one that I want you to consider and watch. It’s not like his friends were involved and became the culprit, but he said that he remembered the past because he went through the incident. The so-called title of this movie is “Reminiscence”, but the story is that it had absolutely nothing to do with the incident.
When Atsushi was asked for money by his incompetent mother while investigating a case, and even attempted suicide, he asked his wife to go see him, and his wife said, “I feel like I’ve been useful to you for the first time.” But it’s a very lonely and sad line… I became empty.
However, it took Atsushi a long time to say that he wanted to ‘create a normal family’ from now on, and that he would face his wife. I’ll say this… It’s a dark theme in Japanese movies.
Even Atsushi’s wife isn’t living separately because she wants to break up with Atsushi… Well, I really wanted a child, so I bought clothes… it was painful. Maybe I misunderstood that Atsushi’s “usefulness” was only for children. “But it’s great that you accompany Atsushi’s mother to the hospital even though they’re really separated.”
Even for Atsushi, she is a toxic parent and a mother who is dependent on men and is not good at spending money. A mother who is likely to say. The type of mother who says it directly… is honest, but she can’t wrap herself in oblates, so she’s shunned.
Even the real mother said that she was really grateful that her daughter-in-law was holding her hand all the time in the hospital. There are actually parents and people who say this. Parents, even more so, think about the daughter-in-law and husband who came to be the child’s companion because of the cuteness of their child, and say anything. hard. But I understand that it’s for the sake of making children cute.
Reconciliation is often likened to “thaw”, and I think that’s true… There are times when expressions of affection go round and round and come across in strange ways, and there are even stranger misunderstandings than people can imagine. “When the misunderstanding is resolved, the person may not be by your side.”
Whether it is affection or friendship, I think it is possible to become dependent or misunderstood. Because Japanese people are not straight… “But if you wrap it in an oblate, you may not be able to convey it.”